Chapter 2

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Charlee's POV

"Girls can you help me set up the table please?" we heard Aunt Ally ask from the kitchen and we reluctantly got up from the comfortable couch. We were both in our pajamas and had our hair tied up. We had been watching one of the Harry Potter movies. I love the first one because seeing the cast so young made my tears well up. Ron was so damn adorable.

"Coming!" I announced as we walked into the dining room. We set up only six plates since the rest of our friends probably wouldn't show up in time for dinner. They'd most likely be crashing at my house some time around one in the morning so no point in setting up plates.

"Isn't it kinda late for a dinner?" Tiffany noted as she looked at the time.

"Yeah but my parents will be hungry after their flight. They're flying in from Hong Kong," I explained.

"Hong Kong huh? Damn, your parents always get to go on secret missions in all these exotic places and we've been stuck solving small cases in this same city for three years now," she sighed as we placed the cups on the table.

"Not for much longer," I laughed excitedly.

"That's right. Soon we'll be flying to Italy to solve crimes with some hot Italian boys," she said fanning herself.

"Well considering I have a boyfriend, I think I'll have to pass on that last part," I giggled and we sat down on the table.

"Well more for me," she winked.

"Knowing Blaire, she won't leave any left overs," I shook my head.

"That's true but it's just what she needs. All through out the school years she's been pinning after stupid school douche bags. A foreign guy is exactly what she needs," Tiffany commented and I agreed. Before we could continue talking about it though, the door bell rung.

I got up and swung the door open excitedly already knowing it was my parents. In the doorway was my brother, George, carrying my mom's luggage as my dad carried his sole back pack. Looks like mom brought her whole closet

"Charlee! Shouldn't you be out partying or something?" My mom asked as she hugged me.

"Nah who needs to party with a bunch of sweaty drunk teenagers when I can have a perfectly civil dinner with my parents," I smirked.

"You got that right kid," my dad said taking his turn to hug me. My brother grunted as he placed all of my mom's things on the floor.

"What smells good?" George asked immediately heading for the kitchen.

"Is that lasagna?" my dad sniffed the air and followed my brother. Men...

"Tiffany, its great to see you again!" my mom greeted her with a hug as well.

"You too Agent Wynters," Tiffany replied formally.

"God no, just Diana is fine sweetie. I'm off duty right now," my mom corrected her and we all headed into the dining room where there was indeed lasagna ready to be consumed.


"So where's this uh boyfriend of yours? Edward?" my mom asked as we ate dinner. I groaned internally. In the three years since we've dated, not once has Eric formally met my parents. They've talked briefly on Skype and such but they've never actually met. My parents aren't exactly fond of him since they know nothing about him. My dad especially since he still hasn't come to terms with the fact that I'm dating him.

"His name is Eric mom and he's at the graduation party," I explained vaguely as I shoved lasagna into my mouth.

"By himself? You trust a boy to go to a party with out you?" my dad raised his eyebrow at me.

"Yes, I've been with Eric for a few years now. In those years I've trusted Eric with my life. I don't see a reason why I can't trust him at a party," I said simply. Eric and I have had our ups and downs like any couple but in the end we fix things.

"Well I'm excited to meet him. We've heard quite a lot," my mom smiled enthusiastically and my dad nodded looking... well not so enthusiastic.

"So what's the plan for Italy?" Tiffany asked changing the subject. I smiled at her gratefully.

"Scuola Agostino is my newly installed elite school for gifted teenagers. Kids like Charlee, Tiffany, and her friends have the skills necessary to join the FBI, CIA, MI6, Interpol and more but they need the chance to train properly. At Scuola Agostina we provide that opportunity. Its a boarding school so they'll be spending the summer there. They'll be under my supervision, of course, but that doesn't mean they can't have some fun. Right girls?" my aunt smiled at us.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," my dad said, not smiling at all.

"What?! Why?" I asked scared. This was such a good idea.

"Italy is so far from home, are you sure you can handle it? It will be such a drastic change from solving small crimes here at home," my dad said.

"Dad I know its a big change and its exactly what I need," I pleaded but he still looked unsure.

"Will this school be co-ed?" my mom asked my aunt and she nodded her head.

"So boys will also be there??" my dad asked looking even less pleased. I sighed and pushed away my plate of lasagna. I had lost my appetite.

"We'll think about it honey," my mom promised and I nodded my head. I just had to prove I was responsible enough to go to Italy with my friends.

"Hey babe! I thought you'd be asleep by now. Blaire kind of crashed on the couch, she's definitely drunk. We missed you at the party, it was crazy," I heard Eric walk into the kitchen and he placed a kiss on my head. I turned around surprised.

"Eric! You're home," I smiled awkwardly as my parents looked disapprovingly at him.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't know you were having dinner with.." he trailed off looking at my parents.

"My parents," I filled in and his eyes bulged out of his head.

"Oh shit! I mean- oh god I'm sorry. It's a pleasure to meet you," he stuttered as he extended out his hand. My mom tried smiling, which was nice of her, but my dad scowled as he shook Eric's hand.

This was such bad timing.


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Hey guys! So updates are usually on Tuesdays but I'm updating a day early because Just Undercover reached #1 in mystery/thriller today and I can't believe it so just to celebrate here's an early update. Thank you so so much guys, you're all amazing :)


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