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Camallia was in jail waiting for her trial but I highly doubt she'll be paying any of us a visit any time soon. She wouldn't be alone either, Sara was keeping her company there as well. And although Giovanni, the Prime Minister, only wanted the best for his family, he had a lot of explaining to do with the police. At least all his personal information was safe and most importantly so was Marco.

Bianca was slowly but surely opening up to us and Cole would be traveling to Los Angeles with Melody in a few days to visit his other family for the first time. Eric was in the hospital recovering from a concussion with Jacob to keep him company for a while. All in all, everything was taken care of and we were on a rocky road to getting back to normal. Well, as normal as our group can get.

There was just one loose end I had to get around to tying. In my opinion, the hardest things to fix are relationships with the people that love you. They see you at your best and worst and still to choose to love you. So when you ruin that trust, things don't always return to the way they once were.

Which is why I stood with a dry throat outside of Blaire's shared dorm room on the boy's side of the Embassy. If theres something I'm bad at, other than lying, it would probably be apologizing. Not because I think I'm always right but because I always mess up. I'm scared of saying the wrong thing but the longer I put it off, the worse it will get.

I knocked on her door hesitantly and waited. She knew it was me because anyone else wouldn't bother to knock and would just barge in. So I didn't blame her when she took a while to open the door. I heard her footsteps get closer to the door and then stop. She didn't open the door immediately and I felt it difficult to look into her eyes when she finally did.

"I'm sorry," my head snapped up when I heard the apology coming from Blaire's voice rather than my own.

"What are you talking about? I'm the one who should be apologizing," I told Blaire.

"I know that what you did was bad but I'm apologizing for the way I reacted. I should've never dealt with my feelings in the way I did. I put myself and others in danger. I wasn't thinking like I spy should," she shook her head and I stepped into the dorm room.

"Blaire you can't be a spy all the time, we're humans and we make mistakes. And speaking of mistakes, I'm here to apologize for the one I made. I'm sorry I hurt you but I want you to know I didn't mean to kiss Jacob. I don't feel anything for him other than maybe a growing friendship and slight annoyance from time to time. He didn't mean to kiss me either. In his own weird way he was dealing with his feelings for you. Don't ask me how he thought that would solve anything. Boys are weird," I said before I realized I had begun rambling and decided it was time to shut up.

"I know you didn't mean to kiss him. I was more mad at him than anything. And after a while I wasn't even really mad at him for kissing you, I was really mad because he made me feel this really weird emotion that I never really felt. It was like it was almost eating me alive," she explained and I laughed.

"Blaire, thats called jealousy," I told her with a smile remembering the incident between Helena and Eric in high school. Jealousy makes people do crappy things, it doesn't take a spy to figure that out.

"Well jealousy doesn't really suit me, I prefer Chanel," she gave me a smile and that's when I knew we were going to be ok. Blaire was my best friend, it would take a lot more to tear us apart.

"I'm going to the hospital to visit Eric, do you want to come?" I asked her.

"Jacob's going to be there, isn't he?" she asked me.

"Crap, I almost forgot," I remembered.

"It's ok, I need to talk to him too," she waved my concern away and followed me out the door.

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