Chapter 29

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"Are you kidding me?" I hissed as I began to look around. There were only three keys left and seven people fighting for them. Lavender had already managed to take one and I was scrambling around looking for the other three, currently unaware of where they had landed.

As I looked up, I caught the gleam of something reflected by the sun hitting me in the eye. Using my hand to block the gleam a bit, I realized one of the keys had landed on top of a nearby hedge. Before anyone else could spot it, I immediately ran towards the leafy bush.

When I approached the hedge I grabbed as much of the bush as I could in order to climb it. Thankfully it was a thick enough hedge that my hand didn't go right through the vegetation. On the other hand, small branches were prickling my hands painfully each time I grabbed a bunch. As soon as I got a little more than halfway up the bush, I held myself up with one hand and reached up towards the top to feel for the key.

I felt the metal key with the tips for my fingers and muttered angrily under my breath when I couldn't reach it. The key was just a little farther. I tried climbing further up but the hedge was becoming too lose for me to get a firm grasp on. I attempted to grab the key again and this time I was able to reach it.

I began slowly climbing down the hedge as carefully as possible with the key in my hand. It was a lot harder to climb back down the hedge with a single hand and as I reach near the bottom I lost my footing. Instinctively I reached for the bush with both of my hands and in doing so I dropped the key.

As the key hit the floor, Jacob ran towards me and snatched the key up.

"Fuck!" I cussed jumping down the hedge and going after him. At this point there were probably no other keys left and if he got away with it, I would fail this drill for sure. I ran after him trying to catch up.

I was breathing hard but he was still up ahead and he was about to enter the intertwining maze. Once in the maze I would probably lose him for sure. I seethed angrily since he was just inches ahead of me.

We were currently running down a one way corner of the maze but I could see a fork up ahead. In panic, I jumped and leaned forward tackling Jacob to the ground with a satisfying thump.

Even though I had caught him somewhat off guard he still hadn't released the key from his grasp. As he struggled to get back up I pinned him down to the ground straddling him. It's safe to say that under any other circumstance, Eric would probably not be to happy about my method of subduement.

"Get off!" Jacob yelled kicking and pushing me off as hard as he could but I stayed on, pinning his hands down.

"I will as soon as you give me the key," I smiled jabbing my elbow slightly into his side. He grimaced but didn't give in. I heard movement coming towards us and barking. For a second both of us looked at each other with a bit of panic in our eyes.

In that split moment that I was distracted, Jacob flipped us over so that he was on top and I was on the floor.

"Nice try," he smirked as he got up and began running of again. I extended my foot out just as he ran past me and he lost his footing falling to the ground. This time, the key fell and went skidding in front of him. Before he could try anything else, I grabbed the key and sprinted away from him.

"Thanks!" I yelled behind me with a laugh. I could hear his footsteps behind me so I ran faster and took a few turns in order to lose him. Once Jacob wasn't a problem I realized that finding my way out of the maze was the next order of business.

I kept jogging ahead, trying to not get lost but my sense of direction was totally warped after the fight between Jacob and I.

I stopped when I passed a spot in the maze I could've sworn I had already passed before. I looked up at the hedge. It was taller than us but not immensely tall. I made sure that no one was following me by listening. When I felt like it was safe enough, I tucked the key into my bra and walked up to the hedge.

Doing the same thing I had done to climb the first one, I made my way up this hedge as well. Thankfully this hedge was a lot stiffer than the first one and it allowed me to go all the way to the top safely.

As I crouched on top of the hedge, I let out a small gasp. The maze seemed to go on for miles on every side. Had it been a trick? There looked like there was no real way out of this maze. I was about to get back down when I saw something out of the corner of my eyes. I squinted and realized that about a hundred yards or so there was a white gazebo. It appeared to be the only reasonable choice so I began turning around so I could walk towards the gazebo.

Suddenly a blur of black ran past me and I froze in place. A few seconds later a couple of german shepherds were barking loudly and quite aggressively on the floor. They sure as hell didn't look friendly.

"Crap," I muttered climbing back up on the hedge. I would have to somehow crawl over to the gazebo. Maintaining my crouched position, I dragged myself across the top of the hedge as the dogs barked on the floor.

My hands probably had a couple of splinters and my back was beginning to ache from being in a crouched position but it was better than being mauled by a couple of dogs so I continued. The gazebo was right up ahead and I began to stand up so I could jump off.

"Shit!" I yelled as I fell right into the hedge landing in between branches. I covered my face on the way down but I felt branches scratch my arms and legs. At least the dogs can't reach me anymore...

I prepared myself as I pushed my way out of the bush painfully and onto the side of the maze that had the gazebo. It was a large, white greco-roman style gazebo. It had green plants that cascaded down from the roof and circled the columns. I climbed up the steps but was baffled when I found nothing in the actual gazebo.

Much to my annoyance the only things inside were five sculptures. How the hell was that supposed to help me get out of here? I looked around for anything else but found nothing. I was about to turn around and leave when I noticed something odd.

The green vegetation that I had first noticed on the columns of the gazebo were a bit different than the usual decoration. If you looked closely, you could tell that they were clovers. Not usually something used for this type of gardening. Most people use moss or grape vines.

I quickly ran back into the gazebo and looked at the statues more closely. The sculptures had brass plaques at the bottom of the their feet.

Vesta, Diana, Fortuna, Juno, and Mars; they were all Roman god names.

Fortuna the goddess of good fortune and luck read the one at the very center and I smiled. Clovers and the goddess of good luck in a gazebo in the middle of a maze? It's worth a shot. I began pressing the statue seeing if it moved or something but nothing happened. I tugged on the arms, legs, head, and er other parts, but nothing.

Exasperated I kicked the brass plaque. Maybe this was a dead end after all? But as soon as I kicked the plaque the statue of Fortuna moved back revealing a space in the floor and a dark staircase. I wish I had a flash light with me. It was so dark that I could only see three steps.

Wish me luck Fortuna...


So guys, a lot of you guys want me to make the chapters longer so I tried doing that in this chappie. The thing is I don't want you to get bored so let me know what you think. Shorter than this? Longer? I'd love feedback :)

This week's dedication goes to _P_A_R_A_M_O_R_E_ she's lovely go follow her!


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