Chapter 23

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"Guys I think I found something," Natalia interrupted. We all turned to look at her, she was already scribbling down directions.

"The Ciampino  Airport here in Rome is best known for its large shopping center and Greco-Roman themed artwork. It's main attraction is the large Narcissus and Echo fountain portraying the sorrowful demise of Echo, the nymph who fell in love with Narcissus, leading to her death," Natalia read off the computer screen.

"Well this is just lovely," Bianca said rubbing her temples.

"The airport is at least a good 45 minute drive from here, if the kidnappers are there we wont make it in time," Tiffany mutters as we all but run out of HQ. We need to get to that airport right this instance and I still need to hear whatever the hell Adriano has to say.

"We need to stop by the Embassy first," I told them as we left the museum and towards the parking lot where the Mystery Machine was parked.

"Call the airport's security, we need to shut down that place before anyone can get out," Tiffany said as we climbed into Karlie's car.

"I have a phone back there if you want," Karlie said as she hit on the gas full speed.

"Jesus! Try not to get us killed before we get to the airport!!" Bianca yelled as we sped dangerously through the streets.

I got up from my seat and made my way slowly towards the corner of the van where I could see her phone was. Natalia gave me the number and I began frantically dialing. Every second counted.

"Hello, this is the Ciampino Airport. How may we help you?" a woman's light Italian voice answered.

"This is Agent Wynter's speaking. I currently work in Prime Minister's Giovanni Aducci's security team on the case of his missing son, Marco. We have reason to believe that there might be a potential crime scene at your airport. We need you to close off all entries, delay the planes, and most importantly close off the artwork attractions until we get there," I explained firmly.

"Also if you need confirmation, feel free to contact the Prime Minister. This is not a drill and I need full cooperation from your staff," I added since I had no time to lose if she questioned our credibility.

"I understand that ma'am but I must contact the supervisor of security to get everything in motion. I'll put you on the same line as him," she informed me. A few seconds later I was on the phone with someone else, an older man who was actually American and reminded me of a military sergeant.

"We've done everything you asked and inclusively found a pair of suspects near the fountain. We have them under custody," he informed me.

"They found two suspects," I told the girls.

"Who are they??" Bianca asked me, getting up from her seat and joining me by the phone.

"Can you identify the suspects?" I asked him.

"Two young male teenagers, a black haired boy and a light haired one. They seem to both be 18 or 19 and have been put aside for questioning by our team. We don't have their names yet," he informed me.

"Ok thank you, our team will arrive promptly," I told him just ask Karlie parked in front of the embassy where I spotted a slightly impatient Adriano standing by the gates.

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