Chapter 6

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Charlee's POV

"God, now this was traveling in style," Palma smirked as one of the flight attendants opened the door for her sending her a smile as he helped her out of our private jet.

"Yeah Charlee, I didn't know your aunt owned a private jet," Lavender grabbed one more shrimp from the complementary cocktails and headed out the door.

"Ditto," I muttered to myself as I joined my friends.

A limo was waiting for us, just outside of the plane. The sun was just setting on the beautiful city of Rome. According to my aunt we had to report immediately to the Galeria D'Arte Moderna as soon as we arrived in Rome. I was really looking forward to exploring the city. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

Our chauffeur, quite young might I add, opened the door for us and Tiffany was the first to step inside the limo while the flight attendants loaded our luggage into a separate limo.

"Why does your aunt have such a hot staff?" Blaire asked once everyone was in the limo and the doors had been closed.

"You do realize we're technically staff too since we work for her right?" I asked.

"Once again I repeat, why does your aunt have such hot staff?" she winked and I laughed. The ride to the museum better be short. These seats are really comfortable and I might accidentally fall asleep...

"Ladies! Welcome to the Galeria D'Arte Moderna, Rome's very own museum of modern art," a man in his thirties or forties greeted us in a light Italian accent. If everyone here talked like this, it would be amazing.

"I'm Lucian Domenico, the director of the museum, please follow me to my office. Your luggage will be taken to your hotel promptly," he promised as we all entered the beautiful museum. As pretty as it was though, I didn't understand what it had to do with the new training academy my aunt promised us.

"Step inside," the director led us to a wooden door and opened it for us. Inside was a grandly decorated office with enough seats for the five of us. The director took a seat in front of his desk and looked at all of us with a kind smile.

"This office is sound proofed and we can now talk business," he began and we all sat quietly and anxiously.

"Agent Wynters is a close friend of the Prime Minister of Italy. Lately there have been some, um, questionable threats towards the Prime Minister and his family. Upon his request we have brought more than 30 gifted teenagers to train here in Italy in hopes to help the Prime Minister deal with this problem. He obviously already has people working on it but Agent Wynters is sure this is a job for a new generation of spies. You all and the other 25 kids will be training in this museum over summer," he explained and I looked at him confused.

"Sir, in the museum?" I asked unsure.

"Well by day you'll all be working as interns here in the museum. Your cover is to be average American tourists who are here to spend the summer and experience new things right? However, the real plan is for you all to train in our under cover facility. Would you like a tour or would you prefer to wait until tomorrow? I'm sure you're all exhausted-"

"Tour!" we all eagerly smiled cutting him off.

"I thought so," he chuckled and led us out of the office. We walked towards the elevator and he pulled out an ID card.

"There are two elevators. One for public use and one that is marked 'faculty'. In order to get to the training rooms you must use the one that says faculty. Tomorrow you will all be given ID cards like my own so pay attention," Lucian instructed as he slid his card across a pad. There was a sort of sound and the elevator doors opened.
We stepped inside and he pressed the 'ground floor' button. Suddenly the elevator began to move

"Why is it always elevators?" Tiffany groaned but we all laughed.

"This is the training facility," Lucian explained and I swear my jaw was barely attached to my face.

There were people everywhere busily walking from place to place. People were speaking all kinds of languages and it was hard to keep up. I think I heard some French and Spanish. Possibly some Korean? I don't know.

"Feel free to walk around, but meet me here in twenty minutes so we can take you to the hotel," Lucian reminded us and it didn't take long for us to split up and check out our new playground.

"This is sick," I heard Blaire squeal as we passed a high tech weapons room. Of course...

I walked into the weapons' room but it wasn't really my thing. Don't get me wrong, it was very impressive but weapons aren't really my thing. That's Blaire's forté.

"You must be from the American group," I heard a voice speak up. I turned around to face a tall asian boy who looked around my age. He was totally attractive. Too bad I have a boyfriend or I'd be drooling.

"Hey, I'm Akio. I'm from Japan," he smiled and extended his hand.

"I'm Charlotte but Charlee is okay," I shook his hand.

"Need a tour of the place? It's pretty big," he offered.

"Blaire you want to join?" I asked.

"Nah I'm good," she replied. She really must be enjoying the weapons if she just turned down a tour from a hot guy.

"Just us then?" he asked and I nodded my head.

"Alright well right across from here is the simulator. Up to three people can go in at once and it simulates various environmental scenarios. You could be in the middle of a snow storm or climbing a mountain, even free falling in space. You never know," he explained. It was a clear glass room. Inside were two blonde girls currently covered in snow clothes and trying to make their way through what looked like an avalanche... pressure much?

"This is the hand to hand combat station," Akio pointed. It looked like a wrestling station. There was an older woman teaching younger kids how to kick.

"They have kids this young here?" I asked scared. Some of them looked no older than six.

"They're not on the mission assignment though. They're here just to train. Hundreds of students come here. Only thirty of us are training for this mission though," Akio explained and I nodded my head relieved.

We continued the tour and I was utterly amazed. Where did my aunt get this money from??? There were classrooms to teach the basics in spying and criminology, there was a high-tech nurses room (I don't want to visit that room), there was a pool, a shooting range, a computer room, a gadget room (my personal favorite) and much more.

This was definitely what my aunt promised.

I kind of just pictured this new institute that they will train at kind of like the one in Bad Blood so if you want an idea of how the training area will look then check out the video :)


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