Chapter 17

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Some of you may have already read this because I was editing it at one in the morning like the awful writer that I am and I published it on accident whoops

"Do you guys think this is another drill?" Tiffany asked as we all sat around eating dinner in the cafeteria. Cole and Akio have been joining our small group making it rather bigger now, but today they were off doing manly bro spy things or whatever you'd like to call it.

"No, trust me I've seen panic on people's faces before, that was real," Bianca said as she walked up to our group, dragging a chair and sitting right beside Blaire of all people. Blaire scowled and turned to face Bianca with annoyance clearly etched onto her face.

"Since when do you sit here?" Blaire asked her, probably sounding more rude than she intended to.

"I can do what I want honey," Bianca smiled. I honestly hoped they didn't start a food fight. I was not going to spend the rest of today cleaning up after the two of them.

"Anyways, what do you think happened?" I asked, somewhat breaking the tension between the two girls.

"Probably just some important R.I.P meeting or something the agents had to take care of," Tiffany shrugged her shoulders.

"You guys really didn't hear what happened did you?" Karlie said in her hushed voice. She must've heard our conversation as she was walking by the table.

"And you do?" Bianca questioned her with a raised brow.

"Well yeah, I can read lips. Plus Natalia told me, confirming it," she told us.

"Well don't just stand there Skittles," Blaire said looking at her colorful purple hair. We grabbed another chair motioning her over. Karlie looked both baffled and surprised to be invited over to a table. Now that I think about it, I'd never seen her sitting with anyone during meals.

"I- well thank you," she said quietly to Lavender who had dragged out the spare chair. By now, our table was quite full. My elbows were touching Tiffany's who was beside me and I felt someone kicking me from the other side of the table. Probably Palma.

"So apparently Marco, the younger son of the Prime Minister is missing," Karlie said. Her voice was in a low whisper as if the Prime Minister himself was eavesdropping on the conversation.

"When you say missing do you mean he snuck out from a balcony like Rapunzel and went to party with some blonde pasta hair colored bimbos or was kidnapped?" Blaire asked causing Lavender to kick her under the table for the blonde bimbo bit.

"He was kidnapped approximately an hour ago, there's even talk of a possible ransom note left behind too,"

"Wait there was evidence??" Bianca asked suddenly raising her voice.

"Yes, but no one is taking a look at it right now. The room where he was taken is closed off and they're focusing on trying to contact the kidnappers," Karlie explained.

Bianca burst out of her seat and began running off only to stop when she noticed we weren't following her.

"Well c'mon you so called spies. This is what we're here for!" she hissed trying not to draw attention to the other kids in the cafeteria. We all quickly got up from our seats and followed her out of the cafeteria.

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