Chapter 41

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This is probably the longest chapter I've written yet, enjoy :)

"The hotel what?" Tiffany asked ten minutes later when we all came back together in front of a café a few streets away from the bar.

"The Grande Hotel Et Des Palmes, its a very high end hotel here in Sicily. It's definitely been known to house a mafia or two in it's time. I'm not surprised they're taking up a residence there now," Bianca shrugged her shoulders.

"And what makes you so sure that they're there?" Jacob asked with a skeptic look and his arms crossed over his chest.

"I have my sources," Bianca replied without further explanation.

"Well how do we know how reliable those sources are?" Tiffany asked her, eyebrows raised.

"Ok I know I'm not part of your little high school reunion group here but if you want to find your friend then you're going to have to trust me," Bianca reasoned. I wanted to speak up on her behalf but I wasn't sure what I was allowed to say. How much of her past was she willing to share with everyone?

"Why are you so interested in helping us find Blaire to begin with? From what I remember, the two of you weren't the best of room mates," Lavender recalled.

"This isn't just about your friend," Bianca replied through clenched teeth, her patience was beginning to wear down by the minute. Before anyone could ask any more questions Bianca turned to me with a pleading look and I nodded my head.

"Guys this is our only lead, we either take it or leave it," I tried to remind everyone how short on time we were. Every second we spent arguing was a second of uncertainty for Marco and Blaire. Anything could be happening to them as we speak.

"Alright, let's get going then," Tiffany nodded her head. Bianca sighed in relief and began to lead the way. I walked fast to keep up with her long strides.

"So you really think it's the same gang?" I asked her in a soft voice. She didn't slow down or give me any reaction at first but then she turned to look at me with wide eyes and a fearful expression.

"I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have to face my family's killers. I know my family was far from perfect but they didn't deserve to die the way they did. I was only a kid, I didn't deserve to be left homeless and without anyone to love me. So yes, I really think it's the same gang. I just wish I wasn't so sure," she replied before turning away and continuing her walk.

Several minutes later, we found ourselves standing in front of a rather large and elegant hotel. When they talk about the people who love the grandeur of traveling the world and having money to spend, I'd imagine they'd stay here.

With it's grand pillars at the entrance decorated by vines that cascaded down the sides, the hotel looked alluring and dignified. The glass windows allowed passerby's to catch a glimpse of crystal chandeliers and grande staircases just on the other side, almost in a tempting way. They were taunting others as if to show that paradise and luxury was just out of reach for anyone not lucky enough to reside within the walls of the Grande Hotel Et Des Palmes.

"So much for blending in," Eric commented as he caught a glimpse of nearby limos picking up some of the hotel's guests, each looking even more haughty than the last. In the clothes we were wearing, we'd stick out like a sore thumb.

"Like I care what a bunch of Italian snobs think," Jacob muttered.

"No offense," he added glancing over at Bianca wearily.

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