Chapter 3

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Charlee's POV

I woke up the next morning with a bit of a headache. Dinner was awkward to say the least and I decided not to mention Italy yet. Mom was nice to Eric but my dad didn't even try. The girls and Eric all stayed over last night in the living room and my parents stayed in my aunt's guest room. Usually Eric would stay with me but parents aren't really fond of him to begin with.

"Who's cooking breakfast?" I muttered to myself as I made my way downstairs. I could smell bacon and was it pancakes?

"Since when do you cook?" I asked Eric seeing him pace back and forth in the kitchen while several things cooked on the stove.

"Since your parents don't like me, I decided to make us all breakfast so they'll warm up to me," Eric smiled.

"Oh Eric, my parents do like you," I smiled but he just glared at me.

"Ok, I know they're not the nicest people to you yet but to be fair you just met them. They'll love you in no time," I assured him.

"Well they're going to love me even more after I make them breakfast so make yourself useful and set the table," he said kissing my forehead and pushing me out of the kitchen.

"You know, in the three years we've been dating we always ordered pizza Eric! You could have mentioned the fact that you cooked," I yelled at him as I set the table. We had a lot of guests today. Six plates just for the team plus my parents, aunt, and brother. I hope we all fit.

Everyone happily gathered in the dining room to eat once the smell of pancakes drifted all through out the house. Blaire was hung over but she managed to sludge to the table and fall asleep on her plate.

"Eric this is a lovely meal you prepared, don't you think honey?" my mom smiled at my dad when Eric placed their breakfast in front of them.

"Actually I'm allergic to strawberries so I'll pass," my dad said moving his plate of pancakes piled with strawberries. I rolled my eyes. Why did my dad have to be so damn complicated.

"Anyways, I have an exciting announcement," I smiled trying to change the subject. Eric took a seat next to me and the girls looked at me with anticipation.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant," my brother said in between bites of pancake. Beside me, Eric began to choke and my parents looked shocked. The whole table broke out into chaos save for Blaire who was currently drooling in her syrup.

"I'd be the godmother right?" Lavender smiled excitedly.

"No way, I met her first," Tiffany argued.

"I want to be his godmother," Palma groaned

"Who said it would be a boy? I want it to be a girl," Lavender rolled her eyes.

"GUYS! NO ONE IS HAVING A BABY," I yelled and everyone quieted down.

"Oh thank god," my dad and Eric muttered at the same time. I glared at both of them. George snickered as he ate more pancakes. I'm going to kill him later.

"The actual announcement I was going to make is that we're going to Italy over summer," I smiled.

"Wait what?" Eric asked confused.

"Well my aunt has a training facility in Rome and she offered to let us train over summer. Isn't that great?" I asked and the girls were already happily chattering about summer plans when Eric abruptly got up from the table. Bewildered, I got up and followed him.

"Eric, what's wrong?" I asked him. He was in the living room with his back facing me. He was angrily looking outside the window.

"I'm not going to Italy," he shook his head.

"What? Why not?"

"I got an assignment here," he replied.

"Well I'm sure my aunt can have another agent take it instead," I offered.

"No you don't understand. This assignment is with my sister and I promised her we'd do it together,"

"Oh, I see," I said sitting down on the couch. Just a day ago I was excited to go to Italy with the closest people I have. Now one of them can't go anymore. Eric stayed silent and I sighed not knowing what to say.

"Listen um my parents are taking me out to lunch tomorrow to celebrate and I think it would be a great chance for you to get to know them. We can talk about this later," I said getting up.

"Yeah it sounds good," he smiled but he looked tired.







"Wait he's not going??" Tiffany asked bewildered. Everyone else had gone home but Tiffany wanted to spend one more night over and I was more than happy for her to stay since I needed someone to talk to.

"No, he says he has an assignment here," I replied.

"But he's your partner," she argued.

"Yeah but that was for our old missions when we were undercover as cheerleaders. This is something new, I don't know if we're still partners," I sighed. We were in my room eating ice-cream and watching old reruns of Friends.

Of course you're still partners Charlee and Italy won't be the same without the whole group,"

"Well I know but I can't just ask him to drop his assignment," I shook my head.

"Are you willing to leave Eric behind and go to Italy with out him though?"

"This is a great opportunity for all of us, you know that. Plus its not like we're leaving forever. Eric will understand right?"


What do you guys think? Should Charlee stay or does Eric need to drop his assignment? Can they handle going their separate ways for a while? 

Dedication to @Apple_Honey because her comment last chapter made me laugh so much. I'm pretty sure it was the funniest comment I've read on wattpad. And to answer your question, I can't say what will happen to Eric and Charlee because no spoilers but I can promise Eric will be in this book and the rest of that series for that matter so don't worry my dear readers :)

I went out biking this morning and I deeply regret it. I forgot how much I hated physical activity and leaving my room. Until next Tuesday, or maybe I'll update early if I get plenty of comments and votes ;)


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