Chapter 30

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This week's dedication goes to @yoannahsu
Also, I made this chappie twice as long as I usually make them, let me know what you think spy kids :)

I had been afraid that the tunnels were going to be dark, damp, and disgusting but they were actually the opposite. The beginning had been extremely dark but after a bit of walking it began to get lighter and I realized that there were torches lighting the way. The main problem, however, was finding which way to go. There were so many tunnels and I wasn't sure if there was a specific one I had to choose or if all the tunnels led to the same place.

I was beginning to get frustrated because I'd been in the tunnels for at least fifteen minutes now. What if the other teams had already made it to their partner and I still couldn't find Eric?? If the receivers are all here in the tunnels how come I haven't seen them?

C'mon I must be missing something! There was the clovers that led me to moving the statues, what was the key to finding my way through the tunnels? I reached a point in the tunnels where there were three different ways I could go.

I stopped to take in my surroundings hoping to find clues. I looked up at the walls of the first path. There weren't any clovers but there was moss begging to grow in the cracks of the wall. The same could be said about all three passages. So the moss wasn't anything unique. I turned around to look at the first passage again.

I was beginning to get really annoyed because I couldn't find anything particularly distinctive about the tunnels. They were all basically the same, cracked walls, mossy, and with dirt floors.

I was looking at the torches as a last ditch effort when I began sneezing out of control, and my wrist touched the fire. I jumped back scared when I realized that it didn't burn.

"What the hell?" I muttered, getting closer to the torch. I placed a finger cautiously into the fire and realized that it wasn't real. It was some sort of hologram. I looked up and saw the projector on the ceiling that gave light to the 'fire'.

I jumped up and tried to reach the projector, just barely touching it with my finger tips. I tried again and this time I brought it crashing down, wires and all. But it didn't completely fall off, the long wires were still attached to the ceiling and led to the next hologram which was in the third tunnel.

I pulled on the wires some more and brought the next projector crashing down. They seemed to continue into the third tunnel. I crossed my fingers and hoped that that meant it was the way to go.

Every time there was a fork in the road the wires that I pulled led to the next tunnel that I should take. I was growing anxious because I still couldn't find Eric or any of the other people but suddenly I heard voices and chatter up ahead.

I dropped the projector and ran through the last bit of tunnel left. It led to a clearing where all the voices were coming from.

"Charlee!" I heard Eric call out and I ran towards him with a smile. Everyone was still here.

"I thought I was the last one to find my partner," I told him as I approached him.

"No, so far you've been the only one to get here," he replied.

"I knew I shouldn't have partnered up with Jacob," Blaire muttered a few feet away.

"Such little faith in me sweetheart?" I heard a voice ask and I turned to see Jacob running from the tunnel I had just come from.

"How are you here? I didn't see you in the tunnels," I asked him.

"I was lost for a while in one of the other tunnels, then I heard a large crash and followed the noise. I found a ton of projectors thrown on the floor and a shit ton of dust in the air. Long story short, you're not very discreet," he explained.

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