Chapter Three- Going for A Run, Hero~?

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Anti may or may not have blown something up.

But that's none of your concern.

What SHOULD be concerning you is the fact that he was being chased by a malicious psychopath!

Oh, wait... No, Anti WAS the malicious psychopath- alright, retake!

The malicious psychopath was being chased by a Wanna-Be Spiderman.

Anti glitched and giggled, running as if his life depended on it- but couldn't teleport home until the hero caught up to him.

"Having fun, hero?"

Suddenly, Anti glitched to be right next to said hero.

"It's good to stretch your legs!"

Before Jackie could grab him, Anti teleported a few feet ahead and kept running.

"Unless the good ol' Doc specifically tells ya otherwise, right Jackie~?" Anti called behind him in a sing-song voice.

"GET THE FOOK BACK HERE, YA LITTLE GOBSHITE!" The hero raged, trying to gain ground on the agile glitch.

"I don't think I will~!!"


"BAHAHAHAHA! LUCKY?! I think you've forgotten who you're talking to! Just a friendly reminder-" Anti was instantly on the hero, digging his nails into the other's shoulders as he whispered in his ear, "I could kill you... Just. Like. That." 

Jackie found himself freezing in place as Anti softly gripped his neck, unsettlingly gentle. 

Anti broke the trance with a giggle as he raced off. He really was enjoying this chase, wasn't he? Even though he's the one BEING chased.

And Jackie, albeit unnerved, wasn't about to give up so easily.



Jackie slammed his fists on the counter, seemingly pissed.

But he wasn't mad... He was worried. He knew the glitch had them all wrapped in strings, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. Anti was just toying with them... That bastard. Jackie knew that him and Marvin were their only hope in defeating the dark ego and ending his reign of terror.

And they had to do it fast.

Anti may not have ever killed anyone, but everyone knew he sure as hell WANTED to kill Sean. And the hero just couldn't let that happen.

"Jackie, calm down, bro... There's nothing you could've done. You tried your best- and hey! Look, no one got hurt." Chase tried to soothe, but his eyebrows furrowed in concern. As they turned to the T.V, they saw that the people close to the explosion didn't get hurt... 

Jackie's heart plummeted when he saw the two closest people were Google and Eric. Ipliers. 'This is so much worse than we thought...' 

"H-he's not just targeting SEPTICS... He's targeting ALL EGOS!" Chase shouted in disbelief. "No. We can't let the Ipliers get dragged into this... This needs to end." Jackie's eyes flashed with fury. Chase and Henrik shared a look, worried about the child-like egos, Septic and Iplier. 

The footage from the incident was shown.

Anti looked around, checking for people... Probably to make sure no one saw him, right? He lit the match and set off the explosives, glitching away. 

In the wrong moment, Eric had gotten excited and rushed forward to point at something, not noticing the weird noise coming from the building nearby. Google, however, did notice it and sprinted to his younger brother, shielding him from the flying debris just on time.

When they said 'No one was injured' they meant 'no HUMAN was injured'. Google had dents and cuts from the blast- nothing much, but still- he would need repairs. 

Chase's grip on his mug tightened with worry. His eyes glued to the screen as he saw the young egos were in harm's way. He agreed with Jackie. This needed to stop... Before anymore kids were hurt. 

"Yeah... I think the last thing we need is for Dark to go on a rampage as well." Marvin chuckled, earning a glare from everyone else. "What?" Marvin whined as Henrik hit him upside the head, grumbling about children and manners. "Anyways, guys. Back on topic..." Sean interrupted, clearing his throat.

"So... What are we going to do?"

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