Chapter Twenty-One- Innocent, Until...

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It was two days after Con went back home...

Nothing had happened since the kidnappings... The police were on the case, trying to find where they are and what happened. Dark knew that Anti and Actor had them somewhere, but the police insisted on finding evidence... After all, you're innocent until proven guilty.

But nothing had been found. No evidence, no clue, there wasn't a single trace of the missing egos. Dark had been keeping a sharp eye on the Ipliers, too scared that something would happen to go out. He left the trapping to Con, like he said he would. He didn't know WHAT Con had up his sleeve or HOW he would get those two maniacs trapped...

But Dark trusted him.


"Jameson! Vould you accompany me to vork today?"

The mute looked up from his tea to see Henrik by the door with his keys. "Of course! I'll tell Sean I'm going!" "Ah, no need! I already told him!" Henrik waved JJ over, going to leave. "Be careful!" Chase called from the living room. "Ve vill! Look after Robbie vhile I'm gone!" "On it, Doc!" 

As Henrik and Jameson left, Sean and Gab headed to the kitchen for some breakfast, greeting Chase and Robbie on their way. 

"Jack?" Robbie pulled on Sean's pant leg. "What is it, bud?" Sean ruffled the zombie's hair. "Wh... Why'd they... Take... Brotheerrrrs?" Sean froze to think about it. He knew Anti hated them... For some reason... But why kidnapping? This Actor-guy must really have him on a string. "I don't know... But we gotta keep up the PMA! We'll be... Fine." But even Sean didn't actually believe that. Without Jackie and Marvin, how would they protect themselves? Perhaps they should go to Dark...? Or Mark? Did Mark even know what was happening?

They could only hope this ended well...


"Well, well... Look at what we have here~!"

Actor chuckled, walking up to the hero. "It seems like the FAKE hero's family has fallen into our little web~! Anti, pet, do be a dear and fetch them for me~!" 

"You won't lay a HAND ON THEM!" Jackie snarled, struggling against the rope. The actor laughed a bit, smirking. "Heh. Don't you worry... I'm merciful. I'll only kill them off until Dark snaps for me. It should only take one or two... But unfortunately... No promises~! ANTI!"

"I'm right here!" The glitch snarled in return. "Did you not HEAR ME!? I SAID go. GET. Them!" Actor growled dangerously, returning Anti's glare. "Fine!... Bastard. You better hold up your end of the deal with all the shit you have me do..." Anti huffed, turning to leave.

"HAH! With how stupid you are and how poorly you do your job, you're lucky I don't just kill you along with the rest of these buffoons! Pet!" Actor practically spat out the word, eyes gleaming maliciously. 

But the glitch didn't reply, teleporting away.

"Damn. I'm surprised he doesn't kill you." Marvin chuckled. Believe it or not, the magician was fairly smart- he was trying to get answers from the actor. "Kill me? Please, as if it could. It'd do anything to see you Septics SUFFER... Even play nice. It'd spend an entire year with you morons if that's what it took to kill you." Actor sneered. 

"...That's odd. I don't remember doing anything to HIM!" Marvin rose a brow, trying to keep the actor talking. "That's because you morons can't see past your own noses. You can't see when you've done wrong. Hell, even I know not EVERYTHING I've done is... Good. Most of it IS, but... I'm smart enough and humble enough to see past that." The narcissist was a hypocrite too, apparently.

"That's rich coming from you." Jackie grumbled, but Marvin continued. "What? WHAT did we do, please 'enlighten' us!" The magician was getting impatient. 

"I believe I can tell you that one."

Anti had returned.

And he had Jameson and Henrik.

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