Chapter One- Hi?!?

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"Are you okay, mein freund?"

Sean sighed as he finished his recording, "I'm fine, Doc. Just... Worrying." The doctor hummed in return, "about Anti?" Sean nodded, staring at the screen of his device blankly. "Gah! Stop vorrying about it! ve'll be fine, now get your ass up, ve're going out vor zinner." The doctor rolled his eyes at Sean and waved it off. Sean chuckled, "alright, alright! You tell Gab already?" "Yes, yes, she is vaiting vith zhe others."

Sean's smile fell as Henrik left the room. He sighed, thinking about the glitch- the reason the egos had to move in with him- fearing his next move. "...They're right. If something happens... We're ready."  


"This was a terrible idea..."

Chase, the oh-so-joyful ego of Sean's stated the obvious. "Eh, this is a relatively normal family dinner." Gab shrugged it off, nodding to an even larger and more chaotic family in the corner of the restaurant. "...Do they look familiar?" Jackie looked over from harassing Marvin to squint at the party taking up several tables. "Those are Mark's egos, right? Where's Mark? And why does Dark look like a tired parent of twenty?" Sean chuckled and cocked a brow at the Markiplier egos, recognizing them easily. 

"Huh. No wonder they don't look natural." Marvin shoved Jackie's arm off of his head. "That's a cute comparison!" JJ signed happily. The idea of Dark as a fatherly figure warmed his heart. He loved to see people get along well, even holding onto the hope that Anti would one day turn around and join their little family. If Dark could do it, who says Anti can't? 

"Yan! Get that knife away from your brother and onto your damn plate!" Dark's aura flashed fully red before returning to normal. "We should go say hi! They look like they're having fun!" Jackie attempted to jump over Marvin but was pulled back by Henrik. "You're NOT going over zhere! Ve're in enough trouble vith Dark as is!" The doctor huffed, pulling Jackie back into his seat. "But-!" Jackie was interrupted by a fierce snarl from Chase, "eat your damn food.

The table went silent as they finished their meal. They all knew Chase was just grouchy... But he could be fooking scary at times.

"Ooh! Look, it's Sean and a bunch of homeless cosplayers!" 

Yan's excitement could be heard across the room. "Incorrect. According to my analysis, those are Sean's egos- they are not homeless, nor are they cosplaying." Google corrected. "Oooh... Oops, sorry!" Yan called to the slightly offended Septics.

"Yan, stop talking to them." Dark grunted, not even turning around to see if it was true. "But whyyyyyy?" Yan whined, tugging at Dark's shirt like a child. "Because I said so, how's that for a reason?" Hearing the older ego's hostility, Yan was subdued and went back to eating without further questioning. 

Feeling the tension rise, the Septics quickly finished their meal and left.

"Waaait for meeeeeee!!" As Henrik was unlocking the car, a young man came rushing over. They turned around to see it was Yan.

"Hi! I'm Yandere- but you can call me Yan! Sorry for calling you guys homeless cosplayers!" The teen ego bounced in place, eyes glittering excitedly. "It's... Fine. Didn't Dark tell you not to talk to us?" Marvin shook Yan's hand cautiously. "Hmph! Yeah, well, all I had to do was tell the old man I was going to the bathroom, and he let me be. Always works." The child smirked proudly. 

Jackie pushed Marvin out of the way and shook Yan's hand, "I'm Jackieboyman! But my name's just Jackie! It's GREAT to meet you! Do you like sparring? You kept Mark's red hair look? Cool! I like your style! Do you know Anti? I heard you're a knife person, that's COOL! Are you actually still in school or is that just an outfit? Ooh, wait! You called Dark 'old man', do you know his age?! Can you tell us? Do-" 

Marvin used a spell to shut Jackie's mouth, grabbing him by the shoulder and leading him away from Yan, "this is why you're not allowed to have coffee, dipshit."

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