Chapter Eighteen- Host's Therapy

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"Y'know, you said you'd be here for ME."

Dark was pouting while his partner was practically ignoring him. "Stop being such a manbaby. It's only a few hours. I'm trying to spread the 'emotional support' evenly." Con huffed at the other, combing his fingers through Host's hair in a soothing manner.

The Host needed a lot more help than Con could provide.

Really, everyone in this house did.

"The Host finally caves, and questions Con why The Host couldn't see anything about him? Host's powers would not work on the younger ego, and it was slightly unsettling. There were very few that The Host couldn't properly narrate, and at first he thought it was because he hadn't seen Con in person, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Con hummed, "that's for me to know and for you to find out~!" He grinned- violet eyes gleaming. "The Host understood that the other didn't mean it maliciously, but it didn't ease his worries." "Worries? What worries?" The Host seemed uncomfortable, but the younger ego wouldn't let him get up. Host's head rested in Con's lap, but the Host felt more like a hostage than a 'patient'. 

How did Dark and the others ever find this comforting...? 

"The Host worries about why Con was separate from the other Septics? The Septics were well aware of Con's existence, so why was he alone? The Host fears there may be good reason. The Host fears Con might have something to GAIN from this plight, why would he help Dark otherwise? The Host could not see into Con's head, so there must be a reason, correct?" 

"Hmm... Don't we all have something to gain? Not dying sounds pretty sweet to me. And you can't get into Actor's head, you can't get into Anti's, you can't get into ROBBIE'S head! You can't get into 'corrupted' minds, but not all 'corruption' is bad. Sometimes you can't get into Dark's head, but does that mean he's planning to shoot someone?" Con scoffed, waving off Host's concern. 

"THE HOST LOUDLY QUESTIONS HOW CON IS AWARE OF SO MUCH ABOUT THE HOST, ALARMED!" Con simply pointed to Dark, "when you have no one to talk to, you end up venting. Me and Dark tend to do that a lot, good or bad."

"I don't vent-" "Dark, please, cut the bullshite." Con huffed, earning a few snickers from some other Ipliers in the room. "The Host politely asks to get up? The Host realizes that perhaps actual therapy would be better." 

"Eh. Fine. Me and Dark are going to get some hot cocoa." Con let the Host get up, then followed example, dragging Dark off to make the beverages. "Ooh! Me too!" Yan jumped up and raced into the kitchen. "The Host actually liked this idea and decided to indulge as well. Google kept his head down, silently wanting some too, but not wanting to keep wasting food and drink when he doesn't require it. The Host grabbed the younger by the shoulder and half-ass dragged him to the kitchen with everyone else, obviously being the best uncle Google had."

"Host, you just stated that-" "The Host was aware of what he said, politely interrupting Google to tell him to fuck off with that bullshit, and that no one here thinks he's wasting food but himself." 

"Host! Tea or cocoa? Googs, what kind of cocoa ya want?" Con turned to them as they entered the kitchen. "The Host requested mint cocoa and informed that Google wanted the same, thanking Con for his Con-stant kind manner from arrival." Host cracked a smile so that everyone knew the pun was intended.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." Con rolled his eyes but chuckled a bit. "Speaking of Con, where's my cat?" Host was slightly confused from Con's words but shrugged it off, "the cat was outside with Yancy, Magnum, and Bing last time Host checked." 

"Ah. Okay-" "WAIT!" Everyone turned to Dark, "where's William?!" "The Host was slightly worried as he searched but sighed in relief. Wilford was with Bim and the Jims filming an interview with Silver in the theatre room." Host gave a sigh and decided to check back up on the people outside just in case.

But nothing happened that night.

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