Chapter Twenty-Two- A Creator's Wrath

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Jackie struggled against the rope again, but the magical bonds wouldn't budge. "Jackie?! Marvin!?" Henrik exclaimed, hugging a trembling JJ to his chest. 

Actor chuckled, snapping his fingers. Suddenly, the doctor and dapper were tied in glowing red magical... Rope? Actor picked them both up with his magic and placed them down next to their brothers in a neat little line. 

"Go on, Anti. Tell them why you hate them... Tell them the truth. Or wait! Better yet- wait until we have ALL the Septics! Then, you only have to explain it once before they die!... Some of them, anyway." Actor suggested thoughtfully. "Heheheh... Actually, Actor... After Dark snaps and you kill him... The remnants of these bastards will also be killed... We had a deal, after all." Something was off... Why did Anti say it like that?

"Wait, wait! Can we go back to the part where you get ALL of us Septics?! How will that help with getting Dark?!" Jackie growled, "wouldn't it be better to get Ipliers?!" Anti giggled, "Dark's a softie... He's doomed to fall into our trap no matter what... Actually, he already has." 

Actor moved over to an out of place curtain in this old, run-down building. He moved it to the side, revealing what was behind.

King and Illinois were there, tied just like them, but also gagged. 

"And... Who says we're stopping there? After we grab you Septics... We'll do... Something else to reel him in." Actor smirked, not noticing a certain someone's disgusted glare.



Sean fell to his knees.

He knew what was happening... Anti was rounding them all up in pairs... Who was next? There were only four left... Him, Gab, Chase, and Robbie. 

He knew what he had to do.

It was time to call Mark.

As much as he didn't WANT his friend to get involved... This was Mark's business too. They HAD to keep the egos safe... They had to. It was their responsibility for making them... And for making those two monsters.

And he'd be damned if he let his egos pay for that.


Mark WAS having a good day.


Then, he got a call from Sean... Explaining a LOT of the shit on the news.

He was kind of pissed at Dark for not calling him... But more pissed at Actor for daring to return and terrorize his egos again... His Darkiplier again. He wasn't on the best terms with Dark... But they were STILL family! Dark was his 100+ year old evil big brother and he was SICK and TIRED of Actor HURTING his FAMILY!

He would need to have a talk with Dark... But first, he needed to get packed and get to the Manor before anymore bullshit happens.

Actor had KIDNAPPED his brothers... KILLED his nephew... And was tearing his friend and HIS egos apart, too. 

Dark could dislike Mark all he wanted... Yell at him, curse at him, blame him, whatever the dark ego wanted when he arrived. But he wasn't going to stand by and let this happen. Not anymore.

Mark was done. 


"The Host would like to inform Darkiplier that Mark Fischbach was heading this way, going ten miles over the speed limit."

"Excuse me, what?"

Dark rose a brow at Host, who just repeated himself. "Ugh... What is that dumbass doing now?" Dark groaned. "Host, what's the probability of him freaking out and getting us into a car crash if I teleport into his car?"

"The Host cannot tell you that but can say that Mark is half-ass expecting you to. So, it SHOULD be fine. And he's alone, so go into the passenger seat."

Dark nodded, "got it."


"What the hell are you doing?"

"Great, you're here. We need to talk."

Mark kept his gaze on the road and slowed down, knowing that's why Dark came to him. "About what? I don't have all day." Dark glared ahead, clenching his teeth. "Now is NOT the FUCKING time for attitude, Dark! You can sass and yell at me all you want when we get to the manor... But, goddammit, this is a serious matter!"

Dark went silent, knowing Sean probably told Mark what was happening.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

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