Chapter Fourteen- Time for Plan B!

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---A week later---

"Robbie, no!"

Marvin swat the zombie on the head, taking the cup out of the other's mouth. "This is NOT for eating!" Robbie whined and rolled around on the floor, "boooored..." Marvin sighed in return, "I know, bud... Me too."

"You know what you can do if you're bored!?"

Marvin groaned and Robbie perked up as Jackie burst into the dining room. "Come with me!! I'm taking the day off and I'm NOT staying home!" Jackie had gotten injured yesterday and was told to take a day off to recover. Luckily, Anti and Actor had been silent since Blank's murder. 

Yeah, they knew about Actor now.

After Blank's death, Dark wanted everyone to know EXACTLY what they're dealing with. It honestly made the Septics feel a tad bit better that it wasn't entirely their fault Blank died... But made them more scared, too. Someone strong enough to worry Dark and tame Anti? Yeah... No thank you, please.

"Jackie... You can't be serious." Marvin rose a brow at his brother, putting his hands on his hips. "I am! Anti hasn't shown up yet, the chances of him specifically getting to me WHILE I'm WITH SOMEONE aren't high! If he was going to come after me- it would be when I was alone. Plus, he's been doing that Actor's bidding and targeting the Ipliers. C'mon, Marv!" Jackie wrapped his arms around the magician's waist, pouting to him. 

Marvin clenched his jaw and looked away from the puppy eyes, shaking his head. "What about you, Robbie?" Jackie let go of his brother, turning to the zombie. Robbie shook his head timidly, "not want to... Scary..." 

Jackie growled, swinging back around to Marvin, losing his patience. "Marvin... If you don't go, I'm still leaving. You KNOW you don't want me to be alone out there... Injured." Jackie smirked as Marvin faltered, biting his lip. Jackie stood in the magician's line of sight, "c'mon~! It'll be fine... We can go wherever you want~ and after this, I won't go outside- unless it's for work- until we kill Anti... And Actor, maybe." 

The magician sighed and caved, "Robbie, if Chase or Henrik asks, tell them we went to the mall." "YESSSS!" Jackie pumped his fists, grabbing Marvin's arm, "do the thiiiiiing~!!" 

Marvin scoffed but cracked a small smile, teleporting them to the mall.


Anti sighed.

Those damned Septics really were idiots... Especially the hero. 

But at least they weren't as stupid as Actor, who still thinks he's a hero even after teaming with a villain and killing a child. Anti was getting migraines from the old man's monologuing and bossing him around. What was he, a fooking dog?

"Well, it's time to set the plan into action~!"

A singsong voice came from behind the glitch. He turned around to see Actor smirking down at him, "you already know what to do, pet~" Actor pat Anti on the head, then turned away to leave. 'Apparently, I am.' Anti growled... But it really wasn't that far off. He really was like a dog... He chuckled bitterly, remembering when he compared Blank to Dark's mutt. 

He was always a bit of a hypocrite.

This had all better be worth it.



King rushed into the trees behind the manor, spotting a small family of squirrels. Dark sighed, it was going to be a lot harder to keep track of all the egos with all of them back. Illinois came up to him, "don't worry, Dark. I'll keep... Track of him~" Illy gave Dark a wink before running off after King. Dark huffed, "be CAREFUL! Don't go too far away from the house! And make sure to-!" "I know! I've got this~!" Illinois waved off Dark's paranoia.

Dark sighed, these assholes would be the death of him.

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