Chapter Thirty- Plan A All Along

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Warning! Uhh... Violence.


Anti charged up his power, grinning maniacally. 

He aimed at Google, ready to strike...

"Anti, now!!!"

He suddenly swerved and aimed the magical electrical current at Dark, anger and spite filling his gaze.


"What the hell?!"

Actor blinked in shock at the scene, not registering it.

He suddenly growled in outrage.

Anti had hit Dark's bonds, tearing them to shreds and zapping over like a chain reaction to free everyone else as well.

Actor lunged at Anti, rage clouding his gaze and judgement.

And something fell from above. 

Over in the corner, you smirked as you pulled the rope, winking at Anti- who had signaled to you to look in the corner in the first place. 

A cell-like cage fell from the ceiling, effectively putting Actor behind bars.

Actor looked around in bewilderment, "you filthy MUTT! I'll-!" 

"You'll what?"

Dark came up behind Anti, ruffling his hair affectionately. He turned his gaze to Actor with a scowl.

This whole time...

It wasn't 'Con' he was thinking about or going to miss... It was Actor.

His old friend...

After finding out that Anti was Con... It clicked. Or at least, he had HOPED it did. 

"Bu-but how?! I KNOW for a FACT that you HATED Anti! You didn't know he was Con until-!"

"Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith."

Dark chuckled at Actor's pissed off glare. 

Google barreled into the father-figure, clinging onto him. Dark smiled slightly and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"Anti! Don't you remember what they did to you?! They threw you aside! You were ABANDONED! UNWANTED! FORGOTTEN! They never even gave you a chance! You were just the villain to them since you were created! AND THAT'S ALL YOU'LL EVER BE!!" Actor snarled, trying to get into his 'pet's' head. 

"You're a hypocrite. I'm very aware of what they did... What they thought. But their actions don't define me... I've said this many times before, to Dark... I'll say it to you, now. I don't need a family. If I lived with those Septic bastards... I wouldn't be able to uphold justice with Dark. If I come across someone that needs to die... He will die by my blade." Anti glared down at Actor.

"I'M the hypocrite!? You two TRUST each other!? YOU KILLED HIS CHILD!"

"That's where you're wrong."

Dark smiled, turning to Anti, who returned the look with a goofy grin. "It was all a lie, Actor... This was all MY plan!... My partner just trusted me blindly. Which I DO, I suppose... Appreciate. Even though I KIND OF wanted it to be more of a surprise... I should've known he would catch on." Anti huffed a bit. 

"Grr... Bullshit! Bullshit, all of it! You're MY PET! And he's MY VILLAIN! Next time-!"

"There will be no next time, Actor."

Everyone turned to the doorway...

"MARK?!" Sean gasped, "you son of a bitch, you could've come earlier!"

"It's not MY fault! I just got a call from Con ten minutes ago! I got here with everyone ASAP!" Mark raised his hands in defense, looking offended. "Uhh... Speaking of which, where IS he? And why is Actor locked up but not Anti?!" 

"...I'm Con." Anti raised his hand as if that explained everything, "actually... The cat's name is Con." Dark gave Anti a look as if to say 'seriously?', and Anti chuckled guiltily.

"That... Doesn't matter right now. How will we... Deal with him?" Dark turned back to the trapped actor, who was getting more pissed off every second they ignored him. "Oh. I've got that!" Mark grinned proudly, walking up to the cage. "Y'know, I brought EVERYONE over, expecting you to be some HUGE fight... But it seems I overestimated your cunning... Or underestimated Anti's, apparently..." Mark shot a confused glance towards the glitch, before sighing sadly towards Actor. "First... We need to take away his power. Host?"

"The Host stepped forward and snarled at the actor, willing to do this only ONCE... He informed everyone that this could be harmful to him and he CANNOT do it more than once a year! Then, he used his TRUE power to reset the natural order... Taking the power of storytelling back to himself. The actor may have been older and had it longer, but The Host forced the story to go his way and PUT THE POWER WHERE IT SHOULD BELONG!" The Host seemed to glow, growling as he forced out narration.

Huh. Could've just GIVEN Host what he wanted... But then he might start abusing that power... It's best this way, sorry.

The Host paled and stumbled back a bit, leaning on Yancy's shoulder.

The job was done.

"...Good job, Host. Now... It's time for my part. WILFORD!" Mark leaned towards Wilford as the ego handed him something, "thanks, Wil." He turned back to Actor with a somber look, and the other paled seeing what he had.

It was a gun.

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