Chapter Thirty-Two- TOO FAST-!

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"My apologies, but he can't do that."

"Uhh... Why?" Anti didn't recall having any plans for tomorrow. "Ah. I see, that's fine, dearie. But may I know why?" The old lady was also confused. 

"Because he won't be living here anymore."

Everyone blinked in shock at Dark's claims... What was he saying?

"Anti... Come live with us. You said that you don't want family because they would hold you back from serving justice with me... Well, that's the Septics. You're already apart of the IPLIER family, and it doesn't seem to be holding you back... In fact, it's making you better." Dark took a deep sigh before smiling and looking his friend in the eyes, "would you... Serve justice with me... Forever?"

"Dark... I..." Anti looked bewildered, before smirking maliciously, "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, THERE~! SLOW DOWN, BIG BOY~! Jesus, Dark! I didn't know you felt THAT WAY about me! Well, I know I'm irresistible, but come on-! OW!" Anti's teasing was interrupted by a harsh hit on the head from his friend.

"You know what I fucking meant!"

"Heheheh~! Yeah, yeah... I don't know, man... I mean... Its SO fun being your partner... Fighting bastards... Tricking people... Serving justice... It's all so great, but... I don't know..." Anti huffed and looked away. "Young man, I know it must be tough... And it's not my place to say, really... But I think you should do it. It's what's best for YOU and the people who love you... I HOPE not to see you at my door tomorrow, as twisted as that sounds... Goodbye, dearie." The kind lady shared a hug with the glitch before going back inside.

"Dark... Let's just... Not talk about it right now, okay...? We should head back to the manor." Anti grabbed onto Dark's arm and sighed. Blank grabbed Dark's other arm and they teleported away.

"They're here!" Sean cried out as the egos appeared just inside the front door. "BLANK!" Yan and a bunch of other Ipliers ran towards the trio, trapping them in a group hug. 

"Get... Off... Me!" Anti hissed and glitched out of the crowd. He took a gulp of air, feeling a bit claustrophobic... Or perhaps he just wasn't used to so much... Affection.

But then he saw a figure in front of him. It was Jackie.

"You have a LOT of explaining to do, buddy!" Jackie huffed his amusement. "Yeah... I hate to say it, but you really do. Why did you keep all of this from me just to betray Actor?" Dark came up behind the glitch, demanding answers gently.

"Why don't you sit down, and we can have a nice, long chat?" Mark came up to grab him by the arm, but Dark pushed him away. Dark lead Anti to the couch and sat with him, everyone else finding a space to sit or stand as well- the floor, the doorways, the coffee table, the windowsills, etc.- so that Anti could explain himself.

Anti cleared his throat nervously, having never been put on the spot like this before. "So, uhh... Where do I start...?"

Sean sighed, remembering what Anti had said before... He knew this was his fault, but he wanted to know MORE than that...

"Why don't you try just starting from the beginning?"

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