Chapter Twenty-Three- Heart to Heart

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"I... It didn't come to mind. I was..."

"Too busy panicking? Protecting the others? Trying to kill Actor?... Yeah, I know... I don't blame you, really. How could I have the heart to blame you when you're like this? I know it hurts, I just... Wish I could've been here sooner. It would've been nice to know." Mark bit his lip. What else could he say?

"I'm sorry."

Mark jolted as he heard the voice, his eyes widening in shock. Not ONLY because of the words... But because of the voice.

That was Damien's voice.

"WE'RE sorry."

That was Demon. Mark blinked and felt his chest warm. He was still a bit weirded out whenever one of them talked separate from the rest. Dark's voice and aura changed whenever it happened, signaling who was talking. It must be weird to be an amalgamation... But Mark still loved when it happened.

Mark milked it the best he could, trying to gauge a reaction from Celine. "Aw... Thanks, boys. You two-" "Mark, we're being serious, dammit!" He smiled, knowing that was the best he'd get from her. "There's no need to be sorry, guys... I shouldn't have yelled like that. You must be under a lot of stress as it is... I just want you to know you're not alone. Well, I mean, you're never alone- there are three of you- but you know what I mean." Mark flashed a grin.

"Now, I'm not ENTIRELY caught up yet..."


"The Host calmly welcomes Mark to the Iplier Manor and greets Dark with a smile, knowing things have gone well. At least, as well as possible given the situation." The Host opened the door for the two. "It has been a while since we chatted, says The Host as he and his friends headed to the couch, but now is not the time for catching up. There is business to discuss... And The Host is aware that Mark still has one last question on his mind since his talk with Dark... Who IS Con? The YouTuber had never heard Sean speak of him, and was curious about him... He was an enigma."

"That is true... You seem to know him, Dark... Did he ever tell you why he doesn't live with-" "The Host apologizes as he interrupts his creator, but that question has already been asked... To Con himself. But the chaotic Septic had been determined to remain secretive, albeit playfully, might I add. Con seemed to think it a game... Leaving hints and trails that seem to lead to... Nowhere. Like we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle he laid out for us... Or perhaps we do and are just too blind to connect the dots... Despite his attempts. Perhaps he is 'hiding' something... For good reason? The Host has a feeling that is the case."

"Huh... Why don't we just call Sean and ask about him?" Mark shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing. Which it was. "The Host now understood Con's exasperation towards the Ipliers." "...I'm calling him." Mark rolled his eyes. These people couldn't take help from ANYBODY!


"Hey, Sean!"

"Mark, now isn't the best time..."

"Listen, I just need you to answer something for me quick; what is Con's character?"



"Mark, now is NOT the time for games!"

"No, seriously, Sean! This is important! Dark, tell him!"

"He's being serious, Mcloughlin."




"Yes? Do you believe me now?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll believe you! There's ONE problem, though."

"Sean, just answer the goddamn question!"

"Mark... I don't know what the fook you're going on about."

"What do you mean?! Just tell us about Con!"







"Sean... You're joking, right...? He's your ego... How could you forget him?"

"Dark, I'm SORRY, but I'm not joking... I don't know."

"What the hell do you MEAN!?"

"I don't have an ego named Con."

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