Chapter Thirteen- Stubborn

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Con smirked as he repeatedly poked Dark's cheek, trying to get him up.

Apparently, a small nap had turned into a sleepover, it was already eight in the morning. Con was silently panicking, trying to grin and shrug off his worry. But it wouldn't work... He was still worried about those kids. And not just them.

Dark's phone had buzzed a few minutes ago, waking Con up. Dark had a text from Dr. Iplier saying that the rest of the Ipliers- the ones that didn't already live with them- were returning home to bunker down during this crisis. Just in case.

With more egos to look after, Con didn't think it would be smart for Dark to waste any more time here. 


"H-huh...? Wh... WH-H-HAT TIME IS IT?!" Dark jumped up, hitting heads with his partner. "GAH! What the fuck, man?! Relax! It's eight fourteen AM!" Con held his forehead, hissing slightly. Dark grabbed his phone and apologized. "Sorry! Sorry... Ugh... I have to get home! Uh... See you when I see you, Con. Remember, you're very much welcome to-" "I know, I know! If I feel like I need to, I'll head to the manor with you. Now get going!" Con rolled his eyes, picking up his cat and waved goodbye using the cat's paw.

"Heh... Alright. Good enough, I guess..." Dark smiled as he left. 

'I just hope you aren't too stubborn to do so if something DOES happen...'


"Where's that damned glitch!? It was supposed to be here HOURS ago!"

Actor snarled, pacing in agitation. "I'm here~!" Actor whirled around to see Anti grinning smugly at him. "You're LATE!" Anti just smirked, "oh, fuck off! I do what I want! What are you going to have me do today partner? Kill another kid? Explode something? Cause a traffic jam? Make Dark's lightbulb flicker?" Anti tilted his head in a cocky manner. 

"Watch your mouth, glitch-bitch... And no. We're doing something... Else today." Actor smirked. "Soon, Dark will be walking right into our trap... He just needs a little push, don't you think? He'll try his damnedest to keep his cool and protect those... Things more carefully... That stubborn prick won't snap until we do something REALLY harmful... I THOUGHT killing the kid would be enough, but it seems not... It seems we're going for plan B... This'll be FUN! Don't you agree~?" 

Anti knew exactly what the other was talking about... After all, he PLANNED this.

He WANTED to do plan B.

Anti smirked, his eyes glittering with malice.

"Oh, trust me... It WILL be fun, Actor~!" Anti giggled, walking up to the actor. "Don't you worry about a thing... Just sit back and enjoy the show."

And the game begun.



Dark blinked in shock as he was embraced by a bunch of crying teenagers that apparently thought he was dead. The second he walked through the door- everyone was on him, crying and/or hugging him... He didn't blame them.

Not after Blank's death.

"Hey! Calm down there! I was just spending the night with a friend!" Dark chuckled, patting Yan and Google on their heads. "Wh- we're in the middle of a crisis and you were out there- breaking your own rule- and FUCKING!?" Yan growled as he stepped back from the father figure. Everyone looked disappointed in him. "What?! NO! I said, 'spent the night'! Him and I were discussing what happened, and I fell asleep!"

"The Host felt the need to clarify just this once. Dark had gone to his and his friend's- his partner's- meet-up spot to go and chase after Actor, but his partner convinced him otherwise. Calming him down and comforting him, his partner- Con- promised vengeance for Dark. Dark fell asleep to his friend's soothing words and singing. The Host finished his explanation at that, allowing the other egos to grow concerned for the fatherly figure..."

Dark playfully glared at the Host but smiled anyway. "Host, it's been a while. How have you been, old friend?" Dark pushed past the younger egos to talk to his friend, welcoming him back home with a hug. 

Seeing the Host and Darkiplier hugging really was something. The younger egos just stared at the unexpected friendship... It'd been so long since Host moved out, they'd completely forgot how well the two got along.

But little did they know, how much sense it actually made. Host was a chatterbox, and Demon- 1/3 of Dark- LOVES gossip. But right now wasn't the time for gossip, and no one was in the mood... Dark just wanted answers.

But even the Host didn't fully know what was happening.

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