Chapter Seventeen- Sleepover

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"I can't believe I let this happen AGAIN! AGAIN, Con!"

"Dark, it's not your fault... You've been trying your best." Con reached forward and grabbed Dark's arm, stopping him from pacing. Dark looked ready to argue, turning on his friend, but Con interrupted him. "Shh~ It's OKAY... It's not your fault... You've tried so, so hard... You protected them... Tried to look out for ALL of them... There was just no way for you to protect EVERYONE... Shh... You need to calm down..." Con cooed gently to the older ego.

"Con... I can't just sit back anymore!" Dark harshly grabbed the other by the shoulders. "And we WON'T... That's perfectly fine! Look... I have a plan... Forget about your old one, okay? Listen to me... In a week... THAT'S when we strike... We'll lure him into our trap- here. Right where we want him... Don't ask how, I have that covered. Him AND his partner are going down." Con smiled gently, "those bastards won't get away with what they've done."

"They... They won't... Con... I... I can't... Do this anymore." Dark embraced his friend roughly, seeking comfort that no one could truly provide. "I know... I know..." Con rubbed Dark's back soothingly, falling to the floor with him. "Shh... Why don't you... No. You know what? I don't have work tomorrow... Why don't I come over? Yeah... Is it okay if me and the little guy come over for the night...? I may not be a professional, but anyone can see that being alone is the LAST thing you need." Con tried to crack a smile, but it fell as soon as it came.

"Wh... Y-yes! YES! You can come over ANY TIME! I-I... Even if it's just for one night... I don't want to be alone right now... But I don't think I can go to them... If they see me this broken..." Dark was happy that his friend was coming over, but... 

"I understand... God, I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Con mumbled that last part, closing his eyes as he prepared for all hell to break loose.


"Dad! You're back! Did you find-..."

Yan stopped in his tracks, looking at the person behind Dark. Everyone stared in confusion as Dark returned with a complete stranger and no sign of King or Illinois.

"We have found nothing evidence-wise... But we know that Anti and Actor took them, along with Marvin and Jackie."

Everyone seemed to deflate at the news, before one of the Jims piped up, "yes, yes, but who is THIS? Your secret lover?! A suspect?! An unwanted ego that was cast aside?!" Con blinked at the Jim, baffled. 

"No, no, and... Maybe. Anyways, this is Con. He's been helping me with the 'Actor' thing and now the 'Anti' thing as well. He's come over to help protect you all-" Dark was rudely interrupted by his partner, who stated the blunt truth. "Don't listen to his bullshite, kittens. I'm emotional support. Me and my cat." Said cat floated off of Con's shoulder, tilting his head at the Ipliers with a grin.

"So... Con's a cat person. Huh. Wasn't expecting that. And 'kittens'? What are you, our overly adorable mother?" Yan scrutinized. Everyone that knew him could tell he was messing around, but Con didn't know the kid well enough. 

"W-well... I- uhh... S-sorry-" Con stuttered, only for Yan to butt in with a squeal and a hug, "I'm just joking! I LOVE IT! I love YOU! You're SO CUTE! And your cat is- Oh. My. GOODNESS!!! Emotional support!? Hell yes! And, if you're Dad's partner, that MUST mean you can kick ass too, right?! Damn, you're the whole package! You're 'Mom' now!" 

Con just blinked, confused, into the hug. "Uh! Yan, no! Let go! You can't just claim him as a parental figure just because he thinks of you as a kid!" Dark pried the younger Iplier off of Con, scolding him. "Aww... But Dad!!" Yan whined, causing Dark to scowl, "no 'but's! We have more important things to worry about than including EVERYONE WE KNOW into our 'family circle'!"

Con chuckled and shrugged it off, "Dark, it's fine. That's what I'm here for, right? I'm here for emotional support until tomorrow night! If you want to call me 'Mom', kitten, I don't give a shit." 

In this chaotic household... He already fit right in.

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