Chapter Seven- The Mission

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Yan grunted as he dodged another attack.

'What's taking so long!?' Yandere was holding up surprisingly well, but Blank was taking too long. 'Is he even coming back...?' 

"HE'S NOT COMING BACK, KIDDO~! YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN! SIT DOWN AND DIE ALREADY!" Anti snickered menacingly. Luckily, getting into people's heads was Dark's thing, not his. 'No! I have to believe in my brother! This fucker doesn't know anything about us!' 

Yan lunged forward, clashing knives with Anti. He took out a spare knife with his free hand, aiming for the glitch's gut- but said glitch saw it coming and teleported away. 


Yan sighed with relief as Jackie dashed in front of him, standing shoulder to shoulder with Marvin, their capes fluttering in the wind.

They looked like real heroes.

Something in Anti's eyes changed, no one but Yan noticed, but... He suddenly looked serious. That's when Yan realized... Anti was holding back for him...

Was he waiting for the Septics to arrive...?

Yan quit his sleuthing as arms wrapped around him. He turned around to see Blank burying his head into his shoulder. The other looked... Melancholy. He wouldn't look at the glitch. 

"I'm glad you're okay..."

Blank's voice was oddly hoarse as he looked up at his brother. "Yeah..." Yan knew something deeper was happening here, but didn't pry. There were more pressing matters at hand.


"Why are you doing this, Anti?! Why target the Ipliers?! I thought WE were your targets?!" Jackie snarled as he dodged another blow from the glitch. 

"HeheheHesehehehehhereheheh!! I don't NEED a reason, HERO!!! But... If you must know..." Anti jumped back as Jackie attacked viscously. "A new partner of mine has a certain... Vendetta against Dark." Anti giggled harshly, "I'm just doing what I'm told~! EXACTLY... What. I'm. Told." Anti's eyes glittered with meaning... Or was that malice?

Was he trying to tell them something?

No... It was definitely malice. Why would he give them any clues? Unless he was trying to trick them.

"Vendetta...? Against DARK?" Marvin's brow furrowed with confusion, but he kept up his attacks. "Uh-uh~! No more hints~!" Anti looked like he would lunge for Jackie again, but swerved and aimed at the magician instead.

Blank let go of Yan, stepping further back from the fight. "C'mon, Marvin gave me his phone to call the others." He mumbled so that the glitch couldn't hear them as they hid in an alley. 

They called Google first, since he was closer and was probably worried sick because they hadn't gotten to the restaurant yet. Then they called Dark, but before the fatherly ego could pick up, Yan left Blank alone after hearing a loud crash.

Yan saw that the hero had the glitch in a head lock with Marvin preventing teleportation. But something in Anti's eyes when he saw Yandere...

Uh oh.

"GAH!!" Jackie stumbled back as a knife was jabbed into his arm, it wasn't too deep- but it hurt like hell. The glitch teleported a bit away as Marvin let go of the spell to heal Jackie. Anti's gaze flicked past them, shoulders slumping and a smirk forming as he saw the androids and Darkiplier rushing towards them.

"Well then... I guess this is goodbye... For now~!"

The glitch gave one last giggle and was gone.



Actor wasn't happy, to say the least... 

"What do you want me to do?! Kill Darkiplier?! Bitch, I followed your instructions! There's nothing I could've done!" Anti snarled back, waving his hands in the air dramatically. Actor scoffed, but had to admit the glitch was right... Anti wasn't strong enough to kill Dark. Not on his own, at least. 

"Now, if you'll EXCUSE me..." Anti huffed, strutting off confidently.

Actor growled, clenching his fists to stop himself from hurting the glitch. He needed a partner like him.


Dark shut his door behind him, sliding down it.

After thanking the Septics and getting the children back to safety, he made it a rule that until the Anti business was done... No one would be leaving the property. Him being the only exception to this rule. Not even Wilford or the people with jobs could leave. Dr. Iplier had requested a vacation for family reasons- he hadn't had a vacation in years- so the hospital let him be.

The egos had understood, telling Dark that his reaction was reasonable. But Dark couldn't help but feel bad. This needed to end quickly, especially now that he knew who Anti was working with. There was only one person that was that hateful towards him... That malicious as to try and kill children. 

Dark sighed, knowing what he must do. There was no internal argument, no whining, and no fuss.

"...I think it's time I made that call... Right, partner?"

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