"Who doesn't love Oreo's?"

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Oreo loves a walk a year

And every walk brings him such joy

To the point, he cries doggy tears

Then Oreo got a walk a month

And a raccoon doggy chew toy

With a stick of corn dogs for his lunch

Oreo gets a trip in, when he pleads

On the door he screeches, his favorite ploy

On top of his walk he gets a week

Oreo gets a walk every other day

He gets more if the window screen he destroys

And he gets good meals if he scratches till late

Now Oreo stays in the house on a hot noon

Eating teriyaki chicken on top of soy

Till one night he's invited in a nice room

Now Oreo gets a walk at least ten times a week

But sitting outside is no longer one of his joys

He has his first taste of an Oreo cookie,

but all he is now is just a bad boy. 

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