The Night of the Challenge

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Jerome's POV

I shake their hands and we all go about our day. It's obvious Prince is going home with her. It's not like she talks to anyone else. She never gave anyone else a chance.

When we're done for the day  I head straight to the strip club to let off some steam. The girls dance and twirl around me and it feels good to have the attention on me. I throw money at them and ask one girl for a private dance. She smiles but before she can say yes another man steals her attention. She quickly walks away and tends to him leaving me high and dry. I walk over to the bar and grab another drink.

"Uppity bitch." I look over at him my anger building. Everywhere I go I'm treated like I'm the bottom of the barrel. Prince and Morris get women everyday. They just throw pussy at them. No one ever wants to be with the guy in the background. I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of playing background for everyone else. I'm better looking, I'm more talented, hell I'm taller! I deserve more than these scraps they give me. I deserve Mayte and Genevieve. I deserve the world. I may not be able to sweep them off their feet with cash and trips but I got something else.

Mayte is easy. All she wants is to be taken care of with no expectations. She'll get tired of Morris nagging her and I'll make my move but Genevieve is a different type of woman. She's got herself together. Her and Prince have something else going on. If he's fucking her she might never leave him and after what happened with Mayte he'll never let her go. I'll need to think about that one more.

I watch as the shot caller from early throws his money around. Three women escort him to a back room. My teeth clench and my jaw tightens as frustration surges through my body. That should be me. The sound of glass shattering fills my ears and a sharp pain shoots through my hand. I look down and see that in my anger I broke the cup and am currently bleeding. Before the bartender can say anything, I Chuck what's left of the cup onto the floor, put a few twenties on the counter and leave.

I will come out on top, even if it takes forever.


Brokeandbusyxxx this one is for you, mama!Its short but I'll build on it over time. Hope y'all enjoyed. For the people who don't know what's going in check out my book Labors of Love!

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