His Birthday (Immaculate Conception: Part 4)

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Prince's POV

I've never been big on celebrating my birthday but that doesn't stop Genevieve. For the past six years, I've woken up to breakfasts, gifts, and songs. She never ceases to amaze me. This year she made my favorite breakfast and we're eating out on the balcony.

"You aren't very observant, Purple Love."

"What makes you say that?" I ask around a mouthful of shrimp and grits.

"One of your surprises has been staring you in the face since we stepped out here."

"Give me a hint."

"Oh, no no no. That would be too easy." I look over and examine her. With her legs crossed, she takes small bites from her bowl. "I assure you it is not over here with me." I look around and catch a glimpse of something on the lawn. Standing from my seat, I walk to the railing and smile. In her swooping handwriting, "I Love You!", is written in bright white and orange letters. I appreciate the fact that it doesn't say happy birthday and I appreciate the fact that it's in my favorite color even more.

"I love you, too."

"I'm glad. This could've been really awkward." She chuckles joining me at the railing.

"Did you do this by yourself?" I ask wrapping my arms around her.

"I did. I made a template with my sewing machine and laid everything out last night."

"What's it made of?"

"Rocks that I painted. I was going to use flowers but the wind made that impossible."

"It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

"What else do you have planned for us today?"

"Nothing. I want you to take the lead. We will do whatever you want to do, within reason." I chuckle a little remembering the last time I got to pick what we did. 

"How about we go out to dinner?"

"Anywhere specific?"

"Somewhere nice. I'll make the reservation for around 7."

"Anything I can do?" She asks resting her head on my shoulder.

"You... can wear that dress I like."

"Which one?"

"The red one." I smirk biting my lip.

"The one that almost shows me business?!" Her accent thickens in embarrassment fueled anger.

"Mhm." I kiss her shoulder softly.

"I don't know about that one."

"Please, Genny babe. It's my birthday."

"Fine, but if the whole world sees me pum pum it's your own fault."

"As long as I can see it that's all that matters." She swats at me and walks away quickly gathering the plates and cups from breakfast. I'll be honest we had mimosas with breakfast and we may have finished the entire bottle of champagne. Needless to say, I feel sexy. She places everything in the cart and pushes it through the bedroom. I follow closely behind her as she walks to the elevator. When the door opens she forces herself into a corner blocking me with the cart. I sigh earning a laugh from her. She sticks her tongue out as she pushes the cart out of the elevator and speeds to the kitchen. I decide not to chase her, instead, I take my time walking to the kitchen. When I walk in, she's digging through the fridge.

"Looking for fruit?" I ask sitting on the counter, smiling.

"Yes. Do you want some?"

"What we got?"

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