Immaculate Conception: Part 3

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Prince's POV

It's been more than a year since we decided to start a family. For a while it was like when we were newlyweds, we were having sex anywhere and everywhere. I can't say it's like that now.

I lie here alone on the couch reading my newspaper and watching the snow. It's January and the cold weather has seeped into the house. I should be caressing my wife in bed but instead I'm alone while she keeps to herself. She hasn't stopped talking so I know she's not feeling too bad but, I'm still worried about her. What can I do to cheer her up? I smile as the perfect idea comes to mind. I make my way through the house gathering what I need to put my plan in motion.

Genevieve's POV

I haven't left this bed in, what feels like, days. This ache in my chest is unbearable and isolation is the only thing that eases the pain. I stay up all night and lie in bed all day avoiding him. I know I shouldn't but I have to. It's the only way I can cope with this.

"Knock knock." An odd voice calls from the hallway.

"Who's there?" I ask not genuinely caring.

"Room service."

"I didn't order anything and Prince isn't in here. You've got the wrong room." I hear the door creak open and footsteps follow soon after. "Please, I'd like to be alone. Whatever you've got I don't want." The foot steps continue closer as they make their way closer to the bed.

"Can't a man keep his wife company?" I look over my shoulder at my husband's slender frame. His face is riddled with concern as he stands on his side of the bed with his arms behind his back. He gives me a gentle smile and I feel the edges of my mouth twitch. I'd smile if I could but I don't have it in me.

"It's your bed."

"As much you're in it you could've fooled me." I shiver when he flips the covers back, allowing the cold air to replace the warmth I had been harboring for several hours. The mattress dips behind me as he climbs in. "I know you'll talk to me when you're ready but, I'd at least like to keep you company."

"No studio time today?"

"How could I make music without my biggest inspiration?"

"How'd you write before you met me?"

"It was a lot harder. I'll tell you that much."

I open my mouth to speak but my body fills with emotion immediately stopping my words.

Prince's POV

The room goes silent for a while until Genevieve's body begins to shake.

"Genny?" She curls up into a ball and the shaking only gets worse. "Babe, are you alright?" She shakes her head and I rush to her side of the bed. Pulling her by the arm, I get her out of the fetal position and facing the ceiling. Her face is wet with tears and sweat. Her eyelashes are clumped together by the tears that got caught there.

"I need you to breathe so you can talk to me, baby." She takes a few moments to steady herself. Once she's more calm she opens her eyes. Her bloodshot eyes glance over at me then, around the room. Her sultry warm dark brown irises encased in porcelain seem dull surrounded by the millions of veins.

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Shhhh, it's okay. It's okay." I wiper her face with my sleeves as she continues to catch her breath. "You don't owe anyone an apology but I would like an explanation. Why won't you come near me, baby?"

"We've been trying for a baby for so long. What if the reason nothing has worked is because we were never meant to have children? What if God doesn't want us to have children? What if I'm infertile and I can't have kids? Maybe I'm not meant to be a mother." She sighs.

"Baby please don't let all these what ifs stop you. We already talked to the fertility doctor. Remember what she told us? There's more than one way to make a baby and there's more than one way to be a parent."

"I know there are other ways but I want to carry a child. I just don't see how you can want something so bad and try everything to make it happen and still turn up with nothing."

"It takes time. Please just give it a little longer. If we get through another year of unsuccessful attempts we can look at some other options, okay? But you will be a mother." She smiles softly. She reaches from under the covers and holds my hand firmly.

"I sure hope so."

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