Genevieve and The Time

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Genevieve's POV

"Are you sure I have to do this?"

"It's in your contract, mama. You choreograph for all of us, including Morris and The Time."

"They don't need me. I'm sure they can figure something out."

"What's gotten into you, Genny?"

"The whole group is crazy and Jerome has been acting strange lately."

"Strange how?"

"You don't see the way he looks at everyone? He doesn't even come around anymore. He just lurks in the shadows."

"He's always been a little off but don't let that faze you." I sigh pulling him closer to me.

"I have to threaten them just go make them behave. They are like ill-behaved children!"

"It can't be that bad." She looks at me with a stoic face.

"Will you please stay during our rehearsal?"

"Sure but I can't stay if you don't rehearse." I sigh and together we walk into the rehearsal space.

I tighten the grip on the strap of my bag as all conversation stops. Being with The Time is complete different than being with The Revolution. With The Revolution I'm family. When I walk into the room they smile and wave. They greet me with open arms and enthusiasm to learn and work with me. The Time treats me like a challenge. They look at me like a lion looks at zebra. I'm prey. Just fresh meat like any other woman they encounter. I'm something to be conquered and tamed. I'm constantly fighting to be heard in a space I'm supposed to command. Maybe with Prince here things will be different. I hoped I wouldn't have to work with them as soon as I did. I thought maybe they wouldn't need to rehearse until closer to the tour, but they have a few gigs coming up to promote their album coming out this summer and they need choreography.

Prince's POV

"I hope ya stretched we don't have time to fool around." I take a seat in the corner and just watch as she finds her footing. Her voice is a little shaky. She seems less confident. Her inner light is dim as her nerves fill her body.

"There's always time for fooling around, stella." Morris smirks letting out a laugh. The guys all laugh with him before looking back at her.

"I told ya bout dat stella shit."

"Oh right. This stella has a name."

"Call me by my name or leave. I get paid whether you're here or not."

"You shouldn't have to work anyway. A woman as fine as you should be at home." Another guy speaks up.

"That's enough! I ain't rent out this room for y'all to waste my money. Learn the damn dance or go home." They look over at me and their lips tighten. They look back at her as she prepares. Her bag drops to the floor and she kicks it to the side. Her jacket slides off her shoulders and she tosses it aside. They gawk at her bare arms. She rolls her eyes and continues to set up. She sits on the floor and pops the tape into the cassette player.

"We'll start with Jungle Love then we'll work on The Bird. The steps are simple. I'll do it once and then we'll break it down before we move on." She presses play and begins to dance. They watch as she moves but not like theyre trying to learn anything. They're just undressing her with their eyes. Everyone except Jerome who seems somewhat angry. They can't tell but shes watching them in the mirror. They're so busy devouring her with their eyes they don't even notice the anger in her face. The song ends and she has a seat on the floor. She lifts her water bottle to her mouth sipping as she restarts the song.

"Go ahead. Y'all got it."

"You ain't gonna teach us, G?"

"Yea, some of those steps were kinda confusing. I might need some private lessons." Snickers fill the room and she rolls her eyes.

"Y'all were paying such close attention. I thought you'd know it by now." They all smile and smirk. Sly comments rolling off their tongues. "Show me what I did. If you can't pull it together in five minutes Im going home."

"Can I come?" Morris cackles walking up to her. She looks up at him for a moment then stands. With her arms crossed she stands firm looking him in his eyes before rolling them.

"American men think they are gods!" She sucks her teeth, chuckling a little and shaking her head.

"Whats so special about island men? What they got that I don't got?" He shrugs walking closer to her.

"Another foot in height and another three or four inches in length." She says into his ear just above a whisper. I can barely hear so I know the others didn't. They look on with wide eyes trying to see if Morris will get her attention. She smirks wide as his face falls as he looks away from her.

Genevieve's POV

"You can be the man on stage but I'm the alpha in every rehearsal."

"You know I like when you talk dirty to me." I grab his ear and pull him down to the floor. He stumbles to his knees trying to pull away but I hold in tight.

"De next one to say someting inappropriate gwan get kicked. I'll beat ya like ya mother's neva did." I look down at Morris as he cowers under my thumb before letting him go. They stand awkwardly waiting for instructions. "Follow me lead. Keep ya heads on me feet. Anyone lookin any higher gets kicked."

Princes POV

Their eyes dart to the floor as she restarts the song. She rushes them through each song her presence aggressive and daunting. I've always seen her as a larger than life personality but I've never seen anyone make their light darkness on purpose. A strong shadow hangs over the room as they rehearse.

When they've learned the two dances she tells them to practice without her in their free time. She grabs her bag and water bottle and storms out of the room.

Hurriedly, I get up from my spot in the floor and follow after her, leaving the guys to their own devices.

"Genevieve!" I yell running into the parking lot.

"Why are they so... disgusting? Why do they treat every woman like a walking sex toy? They never even tried to get to know me! They just keep undressing me with their eyes!" She paces as she speaks her eyes going dark as she hones in on the concrete.

"Genny, its okay!" I hold her shoulders stopping her in her tracks. "I didn't think it was this bad. You don't need to be in a space like that and I don't want you in a space like that. I'll fix it okay?" She nods and falls into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. I wish I could protect her. I wish I could make sure no one ever looks at her that way again. I see the way other guys look at her when we're out. How they drool over her. Don't get me wrong, I'm a man and I know you don't see a body like hers everyday but shes so much more than her hips and thighs. She's not just sexy. Shes beautiful and smart and funny and kind. She's one of a kind and I want to make sure she knows that. Ill make sure she never forgets and that they never treat her like this again. Just a few more months then she's mine and she'll never have to worry about it again.

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