Dancing With The Devil Part 2

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Genevieve's POV

His words wrap around my thoughts like satin sheets as I walk back to the garage. I rehearse with the girls and am able to avoid telling them what happened. After a couple hours we're all caught up and decide to see how filming is going. We enter through the back door and people start pouring in from the basement.

"Where're we going?" I ask as Apollonia makes her way over.

"We're shooting the Sex Shooter rehearsal with Morris, breaking for lunch then heading to the lake."

"Lunch? Already?" Susan asks looking at the clock.

"Albert wants to be back before 6 to shoot Sex Shooter at First Avenue."

"So the studio, back to the lot for lunch, up to the lake, and finish at First Avenue?"

"They're taking us out to lunch today but yea pretty much."

"Where we going to eat?" Brenda asks.

"Some fancy cafe down the street from the studio."

"The one with the sandwiches?" Susan adds but I don't here Apples response. Prince walks up the stairs and before I can process it I'm headed in his direction.

"Ready to go?" He beams with a big smile.

"Yea, I've got everything."

"Good, I wanna get there before everyone else." He grabs my hand and drags me to the car and before I know it we're at the studio.

Prince's POV

We run up the stairs and take in the space. Other than First Avenue this place has the best acoustics out of everywhere we've filmed. I love the way music sounds in here. The music envelopes the space in satin-lined warmth that makes the air smooth and every sound as crisp as if it was live.

"Can you turn on Sex Shooter please? I wanna make sure my formation is right." I walk to the boom box in the corner and enter the tape. She peels off her sweatpants and throws on her heels while I queue up the song. She takes a few moments to stretch and then she takes her place. I press play then make my way to the chair in the corner to watch. She runs through the dance as usual and I smirk.

"How would you perform it if you were the lead?"

"If I was the lead? Well I'd probably chop up the opening vocals and take them slow. I'd also make them a little poutier to sell the story." I watch as she works it out a little and goes back to her marker. "I...need... you to get me off. I'm a bomb baby ready to.... explode. I...need... you to get me off. Be your slave do anything I'm...told." She turns away from and caresses herself swaying her hips in the silence. "I'm a... BOOM... A Sex Shooter. Shooting off in your direction. Back to full tempo and one two three hit!" She continues to dance and sing until the song is over. I sit in awe of her talent. She smiles and takes the seat beside me. "That's what I would do." She laughs between deep breaths as she recovers from her impromptu performance.

"You sure you don't want to come into the studio with me?"

"I like to sing but it doesn't do it for me."

"Dancing gets you off?" I smirk leaning closer to her.

Genevieve's POV

"Maybe a little", my face feels hot and I can't look at him anymore. Truthfully speaking dance is the closest I've ever been to sex. The thrill I feel after I do my stunts is how I imagine an orgasm feels. "Let me choreograph something for you and I'll consider getting in the studio." My thoughts shift as he glares at me. His eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. I can't help but stare into his hazel eyes. His hand touches my cheek and I feel the urge to close my eyes. His body moves closer to mine. His thumb is gently rubbing my cheek.  I feel our bodies getting closer. I put my hand on his shoulder and smile a little. He lets out a gentle chuckle an inch away from my face. I smile again as his lips graze mine. I kiss him and I think about the scene from earlier. Their kiss was haphazard, mimicking a very passionate lust filled moment. This feels different. Less like lust and more like...longing. He deepens the kiss and let's his hand slide from my cheek to my neck. His thumb tracing the center of my throat. My stomach swells with butterflies as I kiss him. It's not until now that I realize my hand has also moved and I'm gently twirling his curls around my finger.

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