Here Comes The Bride

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Genevieve's POV

"You got everything you need, Purple Love?"

"I hope so. It's not like your mom will let me come back if I didn't." We chuckle. It's the day before my wedding day and I am marrying the man of my dreams. My family is extremely superstitious and doesn't want me anywhere near him until it's time to walk down the alter. I look in his eyes and smile. My hand is gently caressing his cheek. He reaches up to my face and wipes away the few tears that have fallen. "Please don't cry Baby Love. Just remember, this time tomorrow we will be husband and wife." He kisses my cheek gently and I walk with him to his car. He'll be staying at a hotel tonight while I stay in Paisley. My family and the few friends I invited are also staying at a hotel. It'll just be me and some bodyguards tonight.

He carefully loads his trunk and clams it shut. I hand him a bag as his turns around

"I packed you leftovers in case you get hungry tonight and I made you an omelette for the morning because I know you hate those hotel breakfasts." He smiles taking the bag from me putting it in the back seat. I rub my shoulders gently as the spring night air nips at my skin through the thin satin pajamas I'm wearing. My mother who has been with me all day helping me prepare was a dime to be left before dark. We waited as long as we could before we had to say goodbye. It's nearly 8pm and the sun is beginning to set. We look out at the sky a moment, taking it in together. He smiles at me and kisses me softly.

"Until tomorrow my bride to be." I smile against his lips.

"Until tomorrow." He slowly releases my waist and walks to the drivers side of the car. I back away as he gets in and drives off. I stand and wave at him until he's out of the gate.

Prince's POV

I watch in my rear view mirror as she waves to me. Her long blue nightgown billowing softly in the breeze. I turn the corner and make my way to the hotel. Once I'm checked in I set up camp. I put my pajamas on the bed, lay out my clothes for tomorrow Tucked inside my shoe I see a slip of paper. I unfold it and smile recognizing Genny's handwriting.

"Hey, Purple Love.

Just a reminder:
Hair and make up will be there at 11. You need to be dressed before they get there.

With love and adoration,
Your Baby Dove.

P.S. Don't forget to put your food in the fridge."

I smile at her note and put it on my nightstand on my way back from putting the food away. I lie in bed and watch tv for a couple hours. I don't typically watch tv but with no studio and no Genevieve I have nothing better to do. Bored with everything in the room I decided to take a long shower.

Genevieve's POV

"Why do you look so sad Gen? Tomorrow is your wedding day. You should be excited." My mother says as I walk in the house. "Don't tell me you're getting cold feet."

"No no it isn't that. I'm... just not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight."

"Oh honey the nerves will go away. I'll make you some tea before I go it'll calm you down." I smile at her as she heads to the kitchen. Truth is I'm not nervous about the wedding or married life or the honeymoon. It's just trying to sleep tonight. Prince and I have shared a bed since the middle of Purple Rain Tour. Whether it was a hotel, or my old apartment, or right here in Paisley Park we always fell asleep laying side by side. I know one day won't kill me, but after nearly 8 months of falling asleep and waking up to his smile and his vibrant eyes, I'm going to miss it for tonight.

Soon enough my mother returns with a full pot oftea. I lounge on the nearest couch and take slow sips. I inhale the sweet smells of chamomile and vanilla. After talking for an hour my mother decided I should get some rest. I have to be up at 8 so I have time to eat and shower before my hair and makeup appointment. My mother kisses my head gently as I walk her to the door.

"Goodnight, mom." I say watching yet another of my loved ones drive off. I close the door and make my way back to the living room. I slowly attempt to clean up our mess but am interrupted by Ronnie.

"Don't worry about that. I'll get it. You go on upstairs." I thank him and climb the stairs. The noise of the elevator might make me feel too awake. I stand in the doorway of our bedroom and glance at the empty bed. Sighing, I decide to stand out on the balcony not ready to lay down. Minnesota is so beautiful at night. The moon beamed down on Paisley Park, peaking through the trees along the property. I say a silent prayer and make my way inside.

I lie on my side of the bed vividly aware of the empty space beside me. I know this is a California king bed but it's never felt this big before.

Prince's POV

I climb into bed after my shower feeling refreshed but still awake. I glance around the room and see that it's 11:45. I can't help but lower my gaze to the note. The white paper stands out against the dark wood of the night stand. I hold it in my hand feeling a little bit of her presence and decide to call her.

"Hello?", she answers sounding more awake than when I left awake.

"I'm guessing you can't sleep either?"

"Not at all. I drank an entire pot of my moms bedtime tea and all it did was send me to the bathroom a couple times." I smile at the mild frustration in her voice. "Why can't you sleep?"

"Thinking about tomorrow." I know I've been married before but this feels different. When I married Mayte I slept easily the night before. Tonight I lie awake like a child with a field trip at school the next day.

"After all this of being together I've forgotten how to sleep alone. I just wish you were here."

"I am here. Look down at your ring finger. As long as you wear that ring, I'll be with you."

"Prince, look at the clock." I look over and smile. "It's midnight. You know what that means?"

"That Cinderella needs to leave the ball." She chuckles through the phone.

"It's our wedding day."

"In exactly 13 hours our love will be acknowledged before God and man."

"In 13 hours I will be Mrs. Genevieve Elise Anne Nelson." Her words a mumbled as she yawns. I smile knowing she's feeling sleepy.

"Go to sleep, baby."

"Okay, I love you. Goodnight."


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