Us vs Them

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"I'm sick of this shit!" Prince screams flopping down in his office chair. "They can't keep treating me like this!" He sighs, looking over the papers in his desk. He scans his contract for what feels like the millionth time looking for a loophole.

"Husband, why are you shouting? I just barely put the children to sleep." Genevieve asks walking into the room. She's the only one who doesn't have to knock.

"I'm sorry. I'm just reading over my contract."

"Still? That's what you were doing when I brought your lunch and you didn't even eat it." She frowns pointing at the sandwich in the trash before coming to sit on the corner of his desk.

"I know. I just... I feel trapped. Music is everything I love and everything I am but they're taking all the creativity out of it! I'm suffocating in this contract. I don't even know if I want to do this music shit anymore, man." He shifts anxiously in his chair. Not the anxiety that feels nervous but the impulsive kind of anxiety. The kind that makes your thoughts race and gives you ideas you could never think of.

Genevieve sits quietly, her eyes never leaving his even though she knows he can't see her. When he gets like this his eyes focus angrily in the distance almost as if their car is just outside and wherever he's focused his attention is an open window.

"They have everything. My masters, my demos, my name! They own my name, baby! They have the rights to all of it. If I can't sort this out now I'll be a poor has been and their grandchildren will be driving Benzs." He slumps back in his chair feeling defeated.

Genevieve stands and approaches the his side of the desk. She takes a moment to neatly stack each page and place it in the corner before sitting in front of Prince. He moves his chair closer to her as she reaches out to touch his face.

"My love, it hurts me to see you like this. Please, come with me. I'll make you something to eat and we can lay down a while. You need to give yourself a break. You can think about it more tomorrow with a fresh pair of eyes." He looks at her frustratedly. How could he possibly go rest with all of this on his mind? But also, how could he lie to the woman he loved and tell her he doesn't want to go with her. "Aht aht. You're not taking the documents with you and I'm not taking no for an answer. Get up and come in the kitchen." He sighs seeing the sternness in her face. Begrudgingly he stands up, immediately feeling the effects of sitting in one position for hours.

"Since, you're forcing me to leave my office can I have a massage?" Prince says stretching and allowing his bones to pop.

"You can have whatever you want if it keeps you out of this room." She smirks leading him out into the hallway. "I already made your favorite dinner and dessert and got a bottle of our favorite wine."

"You made jollof with the big chicken and rum cake?"

"I'd make the heavens dive into the ocean if it meant I got to see you smile."

"You were that worried about me?" He says sadly.

"I'm your wife. I see how stressed you are when you get out of these meetings and how tired you've been and how sad you seem. I was thinking about it last night and decided to show you some silent support through comfort foods and a little quiet time."

"Quiet time?"

"Yes, Lanai is going to take the twins camping while we enjoy a quiet night inside.

"Camping?!?!" He asks shocked stopping in his tracks.

"I bought them sleeping bags and a tent to sleep in the backyard. They'll play for a few hours, she's going to make them s'mores and tell them stories and then they'll all sleep in the tent. I have a few guards taking shifts watching them."

"What happens when they want to come back inside?"

"We go to my dance room and turn the music up really loud." Genevieve smirks walking closer to him. Prince wraps his arms around Genevieve as her hands find his neck and cheek.

"I love you." He sighs lovingly.

"I love you too." Genevieve leads him into the kitchen and tells him to grab a seat while she makes his plate. He smiles seeing her large red pot on the stove. Genevieve grabs his favorite bowl from the cabinet, an orange one with dark red flowers, fills it to the top with the steaming hot jollof rice and places two chicken legs on top.

"Mama, I'm not gonna eat all that."

"You don't have too I just couldn't reach the other bowl." Genevieve smiles, meeting him at the table. She takes a seat, placing their meal in front of them. They say their separate prayers and pick up their spoons. Genevieve waits as Prince takes the first bite. She always eats last, a habit he's explained isn't necessary but she's found too hard to break. He places the spoon in his mouth, sighing into the bite. He didn't realize how hungry he was until this moment.

"I really needed this. Thank you, Genny."

"Of course, beloved. I needed this too."

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