How We Found Out

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It's mid July and the warmth of summer has taken over Paisley Park. Prince smiles sitting on the balcony enjoying the morning breeze while he reads the newspaper. Genevieve walks out to greet him with a soft smile.

"Good morning, mama. Feeling any better?" He asks turning to look at her. She's been really tired lately. He thinks it's from all the stressing she does. She thinks it's from all the work she's been doing. So they agreed she'd take a week or so to breathe. It doesn't help that in the last few days she's come down with some kind of sickness.

"A little but not much." She says softly sitting beside him.

"I had Susan bring you some tea. Thought it might help."

"Thank you." She picks up the cup smelling it like she always does but before she can take a sip, her stomach begins to churn. She sits the cup down as a funny feeling builds in her throat.

"Oh god." She mumbles more to herself than to Prince. She sits for a moment unsure of what she's feeling. Prince puts down his paper and watches with concern. Her stomach churns again, violently. Genevieve runs back inside and heads straight to the bathroom. Her stomach convulses begging her to release its contents. She drops to her knees, landing hard on the bathroom floor. She can't think about the pain she's feeling in her knees as her mouth opens and her stomach gets it's wish. She clenches the edge of the toilet, her knuckles turning white. Her body shaking from the force. Luckily, her hair was already pulled back. When it's finally over she leans back, breathing deeply and wiping the sweat from her brow.

She looks up at her husband, who's leaning against the sink with her toothbrush and a wash cloth. He helps her up and she takes a moment to gather herself. She washes her face and brushes her teeth then turns around, leaning against the sink.

"Mama, that's the third time this week."

"I know. I don't know what's happening. Could it be something I ate?"

"Genny, we eat the same food." Genevieve thinks for a moment. She thinks about every meal she's had, every medication, every beverage then, it hits her. Her eyes go wide and she braces herself in the counter.


"What is it?" He asks moving closer to her, his face full of concern.

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" He asks reflexively.

"I think I'm pregnant. Think about it. I've been tired and dehydrated and I haven't even been working as much."

"When would it have happened?"

"What's today?"

"July 15th." They both sigh. "My birthday."

She nods resting her head in her hand.

"It's not my fault I had a great birthday!"

"Would you focus?! Tell Paolo to go get a pregnancy test, tell Ronnie to call the doctor and we need to call my parents."

"What're we calling them for?"

"I'll explain later. Now go!"

Prince rushes out of the bathroom and gives everyone their orders. He returns to the bedroom where Genevieve is sitting on his side of the bed, nervously rocking as she holds the phone to her ear.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up." She whispers. The phone clicks and one of her brothers answers.

"No time to talk Ty Ty. Go get mummy." Some shuffling happens on the other end as the phone switches hands.

"What is all this commotion?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. Why?"

"Any dreams?"

"I-", Florence pauses as she recalls the dreams she's been having. "Oh my god! It's you?!"

"Mummy, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Your Auntie Marcia been trying to have a baby. I thought it was her!"

"Tell me exactly what you saw!"

"What is happening?" Prince exclaims feeing left out.

"You know how some people say when a woman gets pregnant someone in her family dreams of fish?"


"Well in my family we dream of stars and it's always an older woman in the family you're close to. Now hush!"

"I saw a bright star. It was spinning."


"Like a globe and one side was the sun and the other was the moon."

"What does it mean?"

"I'm not sure and no one else knows either. No one has had a dream like it."

"What does Baba think?"

"He thinks your child will possess two strong but opposing spirits."

Genevieve thinks for a moment but she's too emotional to complete her thoughts.

"Have you taken a test?"

"No, mummy."

"Take one and then go to the doctor and call me when you know."

"Yes, mummy."

"Alright. Bye bye." The two women hang up the phone and Genevieve takes a deep breath before turning to her husband.

"Okay mummy said she saw a star that spun and looked like the sun and the moon."

"Okay what does that mean?"

"I don't know but the fact that she saw stars at all proves it."

"What do you want to do now?"

"All we can do is wait."

The couple curls up in bed. Prince holds his wife close knowing how nervous she must feel. They've been trying for so long. Are their prayers really being answered?Could this really be the start of their family? He hopes so and so does she. Without thinking they both place their hands on her stomach and close their eyes as they think about what could be.

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