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The little girl screamed for someone – anyone – to help her. Anyone to get her away from her father's grasp. For anyone to save her. Her father's grasp on her ankle unfaltering as she keeps trashing and kicking, doing anything to get away from that man. The girl gets her hands on a little rock from the street. She uses all her strength to haul the rock at the man dragging her along the street. Past all the people who just ignore her pleas. The rock hits the man's scalp.

The man stops, his dark hair swaying a bit with the movement. He turns his head slowly toward the cowering girl. Their (e/c) colored eyes meet, his filled with anger and disgust, hers filled with fear and despair.

"Did you, little slut, just throw a rock at me?" The girl's father asks, voice dangerously low. She knows what happens whenever her father uses that voice. She knows the punishment she's going to receive. She knows that if her mother won't be there to save her, she'll be done for what she pulled just now.

Her father yanks at her leg again and she screams in horror and pain from the grip her father has on her ankle. She throws her hands around, looking for anything to hold onto. Anything to get herself out from her father's grip. As she keeps trashing around her hands make contact with something sharp. She grabs onto it, raising it to her eyes and makes out a sharp piece of metal. Like rusty remains of a knife.

She yells out as she twists herself and stabs her father into his hand. Her father yells out in pain and his grip becomes nonexistent as he pulls his hand away from the (h/c)-haired girl. The rusting piece of metal still sticking out of her father's hand, she watches in horror as blood streams down his hand.


She knows that if she doesn't run now, she's dead. Her father will kill her this time if he catches her.

She hauls herself up and takes off running to the direction her father dragged her from. She runs as fast as her legs could take. Runs as fast as the dirt streets and her bare feet would allow her to. Her breathing becomes ragged as she nears the main-square of the Underground City. Just as she's about to step into the light of the main-square, she gets yanked back by the collar of her worn out (f/c) dress – the only good thing she had. Only thing beside her mother and the book of myths and legends which her mother reads her from time to time.

She glanced back to who had grabbed a hold of her, begging to gods, Walls— anyone that it isn't her father. No one listened to her pleas as she looked up and saw her father, his grip on her dress tight, and she knew that this time, she wouln't escape.

Her father dragged her back to their family house. A dirty and rundown building, like any other home in the Underground. She hadn't called this place home for years. Stopped when she, for the first time, witnessed his father beating his mother in the middle of the night.

She gets tossed to the floor carelessly. The (h/c)-haired girl looks around quickly to maybe find her mother home. Seems like the life and gods, and the walls, themselves, hate her – her mother is nowhere in sight.

She sees her father grabbing a knife and then glance at her with a murderous look. Her breath gets stuck in her throat as she realizes that this will be her end if she doesn't move fast.

"Father, don't please!" The girl begs her father, crawling away from the man as he raises the knife. He grabs a hold onto her ankle, yanking her toward him and stabbing the knife through her thigh. The girl screams in pain as the knife pierces her skin and muscles beneath. Her father yanks the knife from her thigh. He grabs her shoulder and practically throws her daughter across the small room, her back hitting the wall.

Breath gets knocked from her lungs, she wheezes, trying to get air into her lungs. Her father is on her in an instant and grabs her hair. The girl again yells in pain, and her father again stabs her, but to the shoulder.

The girl trashes against the man the best to her abilities. She throws her hands out toward her father and also everywhere else to get her hands on something that might help. Her father is trying to keep her still has his eyes fixed on her face.

The girl's hand hits the bedside table near her and a bottle or a vase of sorts falls to the floor, the sound of it shattering startles the girl a bit, but her father is not one bit fazed by the sound. He still has his coal set on killing his own daughter.

She looks toward where the vase has shattered and reaches her hand out to grab a piece of the glass. She gets a hold of it and swings it to her father's forearm. He father yells out and pulls back from her for long enough so she can scramble out of his grasp. She's panting hard, the piece of glass biting into her palm. Bolting toward the door of the house, she doesn't get far, though. Her father has grabbed her again. Instincts kicking in, she swings her hand around toward her father, and her eyes widen as she beholds where her swing had landed.

Right into his father's eye. He screams in pain but doesn't let go of the girl. Instead, he brings the knife up again, trying to end the girl. The little girl grabs the shard from her father's eye, making him scream even louder, and stabs the shard into the back of his neck.

Anger and desperation and adrenaline have filled her. She isn't there anymore, not really. She isn't in her own body, not having control over her actions.

She yanks the glass shard out of her father's neck and stabs him in the same spot again and again and again.

She stops when she hears something fall and a scream. She snaps out of it and freezes, her eyes locked at her, now, dead father. She killed her father. She looks behind her to see her mother there.

Her mother's (h/c) hair swaying a bit as she backs away from the sight, from her daughter and dead husband, killed by her own daughter. Fear in her dark brown eyes makes the little girl's breath get stuck into her throat once again.

"Mother." The girl whispers, reaching a hand out toward her mother. The woman only screams in horror and takes off running. The girl's eyes widen as she looks at her mother run from her. Tears well her eyes, she looks down at her hands, bloodied. Bloodied from her own blood and her father's.

She had killed her father, and her mother thinks of her a monster now.

She's left into this world of cruelty alone. Only herself and her racing, and at the same time silent, thoughts for company.

A piece of her went missing then.

A piece of what made her human.

It gets replaced by a monster; created from fear, anger, desperation, trauma, nightmares, what will haunt her forever, and every other feeling she felt when she savagely killed her own father. But most importantly, a kind of numbness takes over her mind. She can't bring herself to feel any of the feelings that she was feeling just seconds ago.

She looks around the house one last time before leaving, just like her mother did.

And she was only twelve back then...


Word count: 1316

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