Chapter 28: Dream

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First person POV: (Y/n)

The rest of the day has been uneventful. Everyone's resting from the last expedition. Traumatic and tiresome as it was. Most have been going to and from the medical wing of the castle. Looking after or visiting a friend or getting discharged.

I myself am on my way to Hange's room. I heard from Moblit that they're in their room, going over some reports. It's surprising that he isn't with them, but I guess even the most patient of people tire.

"(Y/n)!" I look over my shoulder to see Eren.

"Yes, my friend?" I ask, turning fully toward him as he stops a few feet from me.

"I just wanted to know who'll be looking after me tonight?" he says, "I couldn't find Captain, so I thought maybe you'd know."

"I—I actually don't know, we haven't discussed it, but seeing as there's only two options, it's either me or him," I reply, looking to the window to my right. I see some people in the yard sitting on the grass. "I'll let you know if you haven't found him before me."

Eren nods but still stares at me for a moment before I say; "Go find your friends, I think some of them are sitting in the yard just there," I point to the window. Eren looks toward it as well.

"Yeah, that's Armin, Connie, and Jean," he says before looking back at me.

"Go then," I say, waving Eren off and then turning back toward Hange's room. I hear the boy's footsteps fading off as he goes in the opposite direction from me.

I don't bother knocking before opening Hange's door. But when I open the door, I almost want to step back out. Their rom is a fucking mess. What surprises me even more is that I find Levi sitting on the edge of Hange's bed as Hange hurries around, papers in hand, shoving clothes and other stuff away so that the floor wouldn't be covered with them.

"Do I want to know?" I ask catching both their attentions.

"He's abusing me!" Hange whines, dropping the thing in their hands and launches for me, wrapping their arms around my neck and tangling there, putting all their body weight on me.

"Hange—Ow," I mutter, pushing their one shoulder with my good hand. They instantly jump off, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"It's okay," I say stepping into their room, leaving the door slightly ajar, "Just don't do it again until my ribs are healed."

"Gotcha," they say, going again to pick up the stuff they dropped before.

"Actually what's going on?" I ask as Hange drops papers onto their desk and goes to throw their clothes into a small basket.

"Well, I was trying to do some work but then the Clean-Freak came in and made me clean," Hange explains, coming to the main room again and grabbing another pile of clothes.

"Ain't that unexpected?" I mutter, leaning my hip against Hange's desk near the door. Levi gives me a raised brow at the comment but says nothing.

"Who's watching Eren today?" I ask. Levi stands, picking up and shirt Hange missed and throws it to the next pile of clothes on the floor.

"Neither," he replies, when he'd made his way to the desk and is stacking the papers neatly.

"What—what do you mean? Who is then?" I inquire with furrowed brows.

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