Chapter 24: Back

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First person POV: (Y/n)

I wake in agony. Kind of devastated that I ain't dead just yet. Slowly opening my eyes, I glance at the forest around me as much as I can see through the leaves around me from the fallen tree.

The fight, right. I try to move slightly, but as I move my leg, burning hot pain shoots through me. My eyes tear up as I lift the branch on my leg with the little strength I have left in my body. Unsuccessfully, though. The branch falls back onto my leg, ripping a cry from me. I try to quiet my mind, but everything's circling. Every thought is so loud that it's screams in my head.

Get up, (Y/n)! No one's coming to save you!

"Get up. Get up. Get up," I chant to myself and slowly start lifting the branch from my leg. I get it now raised enough to pull my leg out. I release a shaky breath and drag myself out from the leaves and branches. Cleared from the leaves, I look around again and push myself up. My ribs and left leg protesting but I keep myself up whilst grabbing my right side with my left arm.

I start aimlessly wondering the woods, limping around. I stop on my tracks as I hear noise. Not just any noise, no. . .voices, talking. I start heading toward the voices. There seem to be at least five people. As I near more, I pull up my hood and follow the noise.

Breaking through some bushes, I come to a clearing with seven people, a few horses a bit farther away. They haven't noticed me until now, all facing away from me. As I ease closer, I step on a stick, making it loudly crack under my foot.

All the people turn to look at me. I now see five of them are dudes, and two are women. Two men have their blades drawn, and they're ready to fight. I raise both my hands away from my gear and hold them up in peace gesture. One of the woman's eyes widens a bit.


"—From Special Ops, yes," I cut her off, "I'm (Y/n)." I pull my hood off, revealing my face.

"They'd leave someone this important behind?" One of the men asks the others. My brows furrow. "What?" I ask, letting my hands down.

"All of the other Scouts have already left," a ginger woman replies to me, her voice small and defeated. Do not tell me this happens every fucking time we're outside? Do not tell me that every time we're out we leave alive soldiers behind just because we can't find the bodies? For fuck's sake.

"Is the rest of the Special Ops here, too?" A bulky looking dude asks. Swallowing, I look down in shame, fighting the memories flooding back.

"I don't know about Eren or Cap, but the others are dead," I whisper, keeping my eyes down. "We had a fight with the Female Titan, and they got wiped out. I have no idea how I survived." I raise my head to look at the people before me. Their faces are full of shock. I try to take a deep breath but wince and grab my side instead of the pain my ribs give me.

"A—are you okay?" The other – dark haired – woman asks me. Taking a sharp breath, I nod, "Fine." Releasing my side, I slide my eyes over what I'm working for here.

"Are you all that's left?" I ask, vaguely waving my non aching hand toward them. They all nod.

"Alright, how many horses?" I ask and look at the horses behind them.

"Five," the ginger woman answers. Chewing my bottom lip, I look between the people and the horses. We need to get to the Walls. We can there's enough horses, four would have to carry two people. But these horses are trained to carry large weights for long periods of time.

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