Chapter 3: Betrayal

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First person POV: (Y/n)

I've been hiding out in some houses near the warehouse for hours. I hate waiting for things to happen. I don't have the ability to stay still. That's also the reason why I haven't given my ankle any rest; I just lack the ability to stay still.

My ears perk up when I hear the sound of hooves on the dirt- and stone-street, along with the sound of wheels creaking. I smirk to myself as I glance out of a window near me, to get a good look at the cart. I frown as I see it guarded heavier than usual. There are the usual MPs and other people with green cloaks and hoods covering their heads. No emblem on their cloaks.

One of the green cloaks looks around, a short one at that. Their head shoots up in my direction. I tuck immediately under the window.

What the fuck? Walter was right, I should be laying low, but damn I need that gas. I grit my teeth and risk another glance out the window. They're just stepping inside, all carrying something. There were so many of them that they got all the shipment off the cart in one go.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath and keep my gaze out of the window. The door closes as the last green-cloak steps in, a tall one. I lick my lips and bite the bottom one right after that, kind of a nervous habit of mine.

Fifteen minutes later the green-cloaks exit the building, all six of them. I tuck under the window again to keep out of sight. They all board the cart and it takes off. My brows furrow as I see the cart pulling off. Only the MPs are in the building.

Well, that should he easy, I've stolen from under the MPs' noses multiple times before. I bite my lip again once, making up my mind.

Waiting for another ten minutes is like torture. The surroundings are quiet, so I take my change. Leaping out of the window and attaching my hooks to the warehouse. I try to be as quiet as possible whilst also hoping that the MPs are drunk enough to not notice me when I slip in.

With hooks attached to the building and my legs on the wall, keeping me steady, I lean to look in through one of the windows. The MPs are sitting around with bottles in the middle of their little circle. I scoff as the sight.

Fucking drunks, honestly.

Just as I'm about to drop down to the door, I hear wires zipping around me and a second later feel impact at my right side. I grunt, lose my balance, and my hooks lose their grip on the wall, making me fall. I quickly scramble to reattach my hooks and get away. Before my hooks reattach, I see a green cloak right above me.

Fuck! I got lured in!

My hooks attach to buildings again, and using little gas, I push myself to move, going under the green-cloaks.

"Go, go! We can catch them!" a voice yells to the others.

I have to throw my legs out to not make an impact with the wall straight before me. My ankle gives me a hell-loads of pain as I press into it to take left turn. I hit a dead end but quickly spot a window on my right. I make myself pounce on the end of the alley and jump through the window, shattering the glass. I roll down the floor of the building I just jumped into.

Slightly panting, I raise myself to my feet instantly and run through the building to a staircase I spot. I practically fly down the stairs, dripping at the bottom. Managing to keep my balance, even though my ankle hates me for the moves I have to pull, I keep running. Meeting the door of the building, I risk peeking out; looking down the streets and toward the ceiling.

Again, biting the inside of my cheek, I leave the building. Limping with the pain from my ankle. I need to lose my gear and the coat of mine. They haven't seen my face, so they wouldn't be able to identify me without it.

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