Chapter 17: Eren duty

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First person POV: (Y/N)

"Who has Eren duty tonight?" I ask over the small mess hall of the castle as I enter.

"Not me," I hear Petra reply over her soup. Turning to Eld, I see him shaking his head in a no as well.

"Nah," Grunther says, even before I could look at him. I turn to Oluo with a raised brow. He just states a plain, "No."

I groan and slump into my seat. "It is cold in the basement," I whine, like a child, and grab a slice of bread from the basket on the table.

"You can just take blankets with you, you know," Petra proposes while sipping her tea. I nod slightly. It's not a bad idea.

"You know what I could also take?" I say with a devilish grin, looking at her with a glint to let her know I have something in mind.

"(Y/n), no," Petra mutters, all seriousness, "You know what happened the last time you drank on job," Petra reminds me. "I still do not understand how you snuck that bottle with you," she grumbles.

"Oh, come on! It's not like I'm going to fight a Titan," I argue back, taking a bite of the bread in my hand. All the people around the table, even Eren, level me a hard stare.

"Fine. I may have to fight a Titan, but for my defense, how could I have known that he'd turn just this night, huh?" I whine again and raise my hands in a defeat like motion. Not convinced, they all continue staring at me.

The mess hall door creaks and opens. Our Captain steps in, and he gets to take a step toward the table when I ask outright, "Do I have Eren duty today?"

Levi halts his steps for a second, looking a bit surprised about my straightforwardness. I mean, I'm always straightforward, just not toward him.

"Yes. Yes, you do," Levi replies, after regaining his composure and heads to sit down on his seat.

"Uh," Eren mumbles, "What is this duty, exactly?" he asks, uncertainty in his voice.

"Who has to keep an eye on you during night time," Petra replies and pushes her empty bowl away from herself.

"I don't have to be looked after," Eren grumbles, a pout in his voice. I shake my head at that. A kid. He's definitely a kid.

"What happens when you turn into a Titan while sleeping, huh?" Oluo's voice rings out. I raise my head just enough to see Eren give Oluo a bit offended look. I take a breath and haul my ass off the seat. I say: "Alrighty, Eren, eat up and meet me by the basement stairs. I'll go gather some things from my room." With that said, I'm out – about to be out.

"No alcohol, (Y/n)!" Petra calls. I halt with a wince, my shoulders tense.

"Do not expose my ass like this!" I hiss and look back over my shoulder.

"She only exposed you to Captain, and I think we all know you might have some problems with alcohol," Grunther mutters, looking at me. My brows furrow.

"Yeah but he didn't need to know that my head is getting a bit fucked up again," I hiss back at the dark-haired man.

"No drinking on the job," Levi says, not even looking at me. "Last time you did I had to save your ass more times than I had to do before and after that." I lowly growl in annoyance and roll my eyes.

"Fine, no booze," I confirm. "Fucking snitches," I mutter as I step out of the mess hall, slamming the door behind me. I may act like a raging alcoholic right now but I'm not. It's just a coping mechanism to not succumb into the black bit of memories and sadness. A pitty party! Yay!

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