Chapter 22: Female Titan debut

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Firts person POV: (Y/n)

Riding through the districts to depart for expeditions…It’s never easy. Most people think that the Scouts are a waste of money, recourses, and space. But there are always those who think that Scouts may one day bring people freedom that the emblem on our backs symbolizes. Those who hold hope are the citizens of Wall Rose and kids.

   We all come to a halt in front of the gate in Karanes district. I glance at Eren who’s worriedly looking around, eyeing the crowd. Searching for his friends.

   “Hey, Eren,” I call out and make Athena take a few steps toward him and his horse. His head snaps toward me. Fear and determination can be clearly read out from his face.

   “Trust your friends, Eren. They’re strong,” I say with a hint of a smile. Eren nods and looks away without any words. I sigh through my nose and pull away from Eren again.

   It’s truly annoying how I can not sleep before the expeditions. I’m always tired as fuck. And despite trying not to look like I just dug myself out of my grave, I still look like it. No matter how many times I washed my face with cold water and no matter how I dealt with my hair, I still look half dead.

   Huffing out a breath, I turn to focus on the gates and the upcoming trip to the cruel outside world. The gate starts to raise as the Garrison members bustle around on the top of the Wall.

   I watch the gate raise to its peak. Oh fucking shit. Here we go again. Forcing my head empty, so only the sound of hooves and cart wheels on the stones sound through. I make Athena move just as I hear Erwin’s usual shouting; “It’s officially begun! The 57th recon mission! Scouts move out!”

   We all now move. I keep my eye on Eren just in front of me. I watch as his body language changes when he sees the outside of the walls so clearly. Clear blue sky and clear green grass, yes but also buildings crushed and trashed and abandoned. Up front I hear Hange’s usual rambling and also Squad Leaders’ scolding at their share of requites. Telling them to ignore the Titans popping up here and that these ones are for the support squads.

   “Oluo?” I hear Eren saying whilst he turns toward the said man, “Do you think my friends can beat the Titans?” I hold my mouth shut despite the audacity to say ‘I told you just a few minutes ago that they’re strong and will be fine.’

   “What?” Oluo asks, “What the hell have they been training for this past month? Listen, you little shit, an exploratory expedition is all about not engaging with the Titans.” And he bites his tongue.

   I roll my eyes and say to Eren, who now looks more scared than reassured; “Oluo’s a fucking idiot. But he’s right, this expedition is all about exploring, and not engaging with the Titans. Of course, if needed we will have to, but overall, don’t worry and let the support squads handle them.” Eren glances back at me before Erwin calls out; “Long-distance enemy scouting formation, deploy!” Eren looks back a head then.

   Everyone starts falling into smaller groups and going right left and straight, some fall back. Our squad continues straight forward along with Erwin’s and Hange’s squad and the supply wagons.

    Sometime later red flairs raise from the right front flank. Expected. Soon after that a green flare to the left is fired from the front by someone in Erwin’s squad. Grunther forwards the flair from us.

   Things seem to be going alright at that moment. Only thing we really can do is hope that it continues like this. Maybe we just happen to be lucky enough to have an easy expedition and we make it home with minor loss.

   Yellow flares raise from the right now. One out of two can that mean. Things either have gone to complete shit or things have gone good. Green flares raise after that and I blow out a breath. Alright, everything’s alright. Good to know.

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