Chapter 6: Introduction

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First person POV: (Y/n)

Making my way through the castle toward the mess hall is a quiet walk. Petra doesn't say much, and neither do I. I don't want to go there, sit amongst all these people.

I keep looking around, mentally making notes off all the doors, windows, and hallways, in case I might need to escape tonight or sometime later in the future. I doubt I'll make a run for it today, but like I said, just in case. Someone may piss me off enough to need a quick escape, or I beat them up and need to escape from the Commander or worse Captain Levi again. I have to admit he seems to have some intense skills. The way he moved in the Underground. The fact that he could keep up, catch up to me, that his whole squad could keep up, says something.

I heave a sigh as we near large doors, which I assume are the mess hall doors. Near them, Commander Smith stands, hands crossed over his chest. A casual stance. As we get near enough to him, Petra salutes, "Commander," she announces our presence. Erwin turns toward us.

"Thank you, go join your squad, Petra. I saw them entering a while ago," Smith says and waves a hand toward the open mess hall door. Petra does as told and heads to the mess hall, skipping happily toward one of the tables. My brows furrow as I watch her exchanging a word with one of the guys from her squad and then head off to get her bowl of food. Porridge, it seems.

"I assume Petra informed you of your position to be in the Special Operations squad," Erwin inquires. I glance at him again and nod with a cold look.

"Though, I still don't understand what's so good about my skills, what I saw there you have whole squad worth of good soldiers," I say, not taking my gaze away from the tall man before me. Like seriously, he's like over a fucking foot taller than me, at least it seems like it.

"The Scouts always need more skilled soldiers. There may be many now, but we don't know if that will be the case before the next expedition," Erwin replies, "We also knew that sooner or later you'll be caught by the Military Police and your skills would go to waste."

I scoff, "The MPs couldn't even keep up with me, get caught my ass," I mutter under my breath. I know Erwin heard that but like the smart man he seems to be, he ignores it.

"Now, you'll need to introduce yourself in there. I expect you to do it," Smith says, looking toward the mess hall. Anxiety instantly settles in my stomach. I am not a crowd person. Yes, I can deal with social interactions, that's what I had to do to keep my clients but to speak in front of a large crowd for even a second. Nah, man, I'm fucking out. If only would wear that damn cloak, it at least has a hood to hide myself under.

"'Kay, sure," I reply plainly, despite my inner panic and anxiety.

"Right," Erwin replies and takes a step into the mess hall. I bring my hands behind my back, right hard grasping the left wrist, and take a step after Erwin. I keep my face the same, cold and emotionless. Erwin loudly clears his throat, gaining some attention, before he starts talking, now making sure that everyone in the hall can hear him.

"We have a new scout in our lines," he announces as I step out of his shadow, face cold, as I stare everyone down. "Introduce yourself," Erwin says to me.

I square my shoulders even more, staring at the crowd. "Name's (Y/n) but I prefer to be called Euphoria. And your Commander is already a pain in my ass," I say earning gasps from everyone, though my eyes land on one specific person who seems to be struggling to hold in a smile. Captain Levi. His face full of amusement.

Erwin clears his throat again, "Very well, despite her straightforwardness and. . .strong words. . .Treat her like you do any other of your comrades, with respect and kindness," he says, "That is all."

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