Chapter 15: Old HQ

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First person POV: (Y/n)

So, the Scouts ended up getting custody of the shifter. That's good news. Considering all the shit that went down, we're hella' lucky.

Right now, we're on our way to the old HQ. When I came to the Scouts, I arrived a year before moving to the new HQ, so I didn't have much time here. Didn't stop me from finding all the secret passages and hiding spots throughout the grounds. And let me tell you, there are a shit load of 'em.

A slut that all the Underground women are

I groan when the thought arises again. There are many things I tolerate but slut shaming is not one of them. I know if Levi hadn't stopped me I would have actually killed Nile then and there. So, I'm glad he did stop me.

My father used to call me and my mother slut, whore and well, all these things, while beating the crap out of us. I can sometimes still feel his wrists on my body, the blood he drew. His blood on my hands. I sometimes wake up with the lines blurred, when I can see the blood on my hands and the room around me is not mine but that stupid shackle I lived in with my sires. The blurred lines usually don't last for too long and when I have calmed down everything goes back to normal.

Pushing the thoughts from my mind, I decide to deal with them when another nightmare blurts the lines.

For now, it's only the Levi Squad headed for the old HQ. Hange Squad will join us later tonight or early tomorrow, depends but I feel like they'll hurry and get here tonight, just to talk to Eren.

Hearing a yell of pain out front, my guard shoots up and I look up. I release a breath as I see it's just Oluo who bit his tongue after babbling again. He never learns, I swear. Stop talking, like please. Most importantly stop trying to imitate Levi twenty-four seven. I do not understand why or how Levi puts up with this shit. I'd have beat the shit out of him already.

Thinking of Levi. What was up with him showing concern? Twice today. Like what the fuck? I mean the second time it was probably Erwin telling him to ask about it but when he stopped me from killing Nile. And him asking me about who I have heard worse from. Also the two amused huffs I managed to coax out of him. I think either I'm going crazy or Levi has been getting a bit nicer.

We make it to the grounds of the HQ and as expected it's trashed, not surprised, no one has used this place for three years. I get off my horse and instantly spot Petra and Oluo. Petra already scolding Oluo by the well, telling him to stop talking while horse-riding and that she'll let him bleed out the next time. Petra, you'd do all of us a favor. I take my horse toward, what used to be, clean stables. I tie my horse's reigns to a post there and turn toward the castle just as I hear Grunther speak up, "It hasn't been used in a long time, so it's kind of fallen into despair." True that.

"That's major problem," Levi now states between Grunther and Eld. "Fix it up immediately," he orders no one in particular. I, though, try to sneak into the stables, so maybe, just maybe he'll forget I exist. "You too, (Y/n)," he calls to me. I pull my hood down and slam my head against a wall nearest to me. The loud bang of my head slamming against the wall, draws everyone's attention to me. I glance at everyone for a second and then grumble, before making my way to the castle door of pry it open. Son of a bitch was hard to open but it did and I was gone from everyone's sights.

Never mind the fact that Levi might be getting nicer.


Kneeling on the floor and scrubbing the fuck out of the floor cracks is something you might not expect from the Scouts but here I am. My fingers and hands and knees hurt like hell from all that shit. No amount of military or any training, will prepare you for the amount of shit you'd have to endure in this squad, in specific.

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