Chapter 23: Titan Fight

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First person POV: (Y/n)

A little while later, we take off to the trees, our horses hidden a bit further away.

   "Setting aside rookies like me, how could they keep even the seasoned veterans of the Scouts in dark?" Eren questions as we've landed on some branches.

   "Shut up, would 'ya?" Oluo says.

   "What are you trying to say? That the Commander and the Captain don't trust us?" Petra accuses.

   "Petra, please, don't yell," I mutter but, of course, go unnoticed as Eren now yells, "No, but. . .that's what it amounts to!"

   "Petra, ripp that guy's teeth! Then shove them back in!" Oluo yells from a further branch. I sigh through my nose and lean onto the tree trunk behind me.

   "But think about it. That trap wouldn't have worked without quite a few people knowing about it beforehand," Eld says.

   "Probably the ones who knew are the superiors who survived before the fall of Wall Maria. It'd just make sense," I say. Means that Levi, son of a bitch, lied to be when I did his paperwork but also possible he didn't know and just found out yesterday or something. I don't know. I'm too tired for this shit. The chase really took a toll on me.

   "I get it. Yeah, that has to be it. See Eren? That's what it is," Oluo now says to Eren.

   "Right, they had to do it that way," Petra agrees, "They must have assumed that the spy started working on the 'inside' when the Wall was destroyed five years ago. So the Commander narrowed down the suspects to anyone who joined after that," Petra muses.

   "Most likely," I reply and cross my hands on my chest before remembering. I get onto the same branch as Eren and smack the back of his head.

   "Ow, what was that for?" he whines and reaches up from the spot I hit him to.

   "For pissing me off, not following orders and being a little bitch," I say reply silencing the boy.

   "I wonder if the spy also killed Sonny and Bean?" Eld mutters with crossed arms from another branch.

   "Oh. . .That's when the Commander asked me that question," Petra says.

   "He asked me too, so that's what that was about?" Eren replies. I frown. I wonder why Erwin never asked me. Probably just didn't bother, seeing no one from here seemed to know the answer to the question. I huff as I head Oluo, starting to go on how he 'always knew' what the Commander had meant. Lying little shit.

   "Eren, you don't know it yet, but you'll probably find out soon why Erwin Smith leads the hope of humankind, the Survey Corps," Eld says, looking at Eren.

   "I'm sure Captain Levi trusts you enough to tell you," Petra adds.

   "That's if you live long enough," Oluo says, ruining the mood.

   "Oluo, I swear, if you don't shut your damn mouth, I'll smack the shit out of you the same way I di—" A horrific screech cuts me off. I cover my ears against the sound.

   "My poor ears and head," I mutter when the noise fades, "Like my head doesn't hurt enough already." Flare raises a bit after the sound. A blue flare.

   "Looks like we're done here," Grunther says with a bit of relief in his voice.

   "Get back to your horses. Prepare for retreat," Eld orders.

   "You heard him. Let's go see the face of the bastard inside the Female Titan," Oluo says, taking off.

   "Come on," Eld says again and watches as we all hook our gears and take off before doing the same.

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