Chapter 16: Graduation

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First person POV: (Y/n)

Everyone's gear got looked over and tested today. Seems like none of the people who could have done it haven't used their gear without permission. I quite honestly do not understand how you kill two whole ass Titans without using gear. Yeah, the Titans were pinned and strapped down in every possible way, but still, they were active, and from what I head from Moblit, one of them nearly got Hange when they stepped a bit too close. But anyway, that's for the MPs to figure out. Maybe, for once, they'll actually do their job now.

What most of us are questioning, though, is how many rookies will be joining the Scouts after what they endured in Trost. I doubt it'll be many, maybe two or three, or a good case scenario, four.

"Hey, Eren," I hear Grunther call out to Eren, who's with me in on the stable duty. Yay. "Do you think there's anyone from 104th who might join the Scouts?" Grunther questions. Voicing out the question we all so desperately want the answer to.

"There is. . ." he trails off, reconsidering. "Was," he soon says, "But I don't know how they feel now." He sounds sad. Maybe they were his friends who were considering it. Maybe the Mikasa girl and the other boy who was there. Blonde and I only some time ago found out that he indeed is a boy.

"They're lucky they even have an option," I mutter from the stable slot beside Eren's. I see his head peaking over the slot's wall and eye me with uncertainty. I can also see Grunther and Eld throwing me disapproving looks.

"You didn't?" he dares to ask. I step out of the slot and rest my chin onto the shovel's handle.

"No. I was dragged here by beloved Commander Eyebrows and even more beloved Captain Clean-Freak," I reply with as much sarcasm as possible despite a sleepless night. "Of course, these two as well," I say and point to Grunther and Eld. Yes, I thought I slept a whole lot, but Nah. My brain said, 'You little shit ain't getting any sleep tonight!' This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

"What do you mean dragged here?" Eren asks and steps out of his slot as well to get a better look at me. I look toward Eld and Grunther again and say with narrowed eyes, "If you two go to snitch to Levi that I'm giving the kid a story time, you'll seriously both end up in stiches." Done hissing at them, like the fucking snake I am, I head to sit onto a large wooden box, for the sake of the astetic, of course. The two men beside the stable door stay quiet and leaned against the inside all of the stable. I guess they want a story time as well.

"So, before I was dragged here, I was a thug in the Underground," I start. Eren's eyes widen at that. "I made quite the name for myself, they called me Euphoria. They still do as you can see. But the name has a different meaning now. I managed to piss off a fuck load of people, including this big ass crime lord, and I mean big ass in every damn way. He had a large group behind him and he was also huge in size, like tall as fuck. I think his name started with K. Not sure though, I haven't come in contact with him after he almost shot me dead." I say and point to the tip of my left ear or well, what's left of it. There's a whole piece missing and it looks fucking hideous.

Eren's face cringes at the sight, "That must have hurt," he mutters. I shrug.

"Well, one day when a deal of mine went to shit, I was trying to get some more gas, you know to keep my name and all," I go on with my little story. "I was fairly sure that the damn warehouse was empty beside the MPs who, we all know, don't do shit I headed there and POW. I got a hit to my right side. Thrown around, escaped for a second before got found again. Got another hit to my right side and thrown into a vender's booth. That was not a comfortable place to sit at." Grunther snickered at that, I ignore him and tell the rest of the shit that went down then. All this stuff with Walter and his betrayal. I also slipped in a warning about Oluo as well. Since, he's an asshole and probably will be for a good amount of time more.

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