Chapter 5: Little talk

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First person POV: Levi

"I can't believe you're actually doing this," I hiss to Erwin in his office. A huge room with his desk in the middle, a sofa, and a small coffee table before it, the room, over all, is lined with bookshelves. The floors from dark wood, like the floor on my own office. Candles burning here and there igniting some light into the room as the sun slowly fades away from the sky and takes the shining light with it.

"That's what I was told when I took on the mission to bring you up as well, and it turned out well," eyebrows replies. Clicking my tongue, I cross my arms over my chest and just give him a cold stare.

"I get it. You're not a huge fan of the situation, but just bear with me, alright," he says, sighing. I keep my stare on him, not breaking it as he shakes his head and pulls out some paperwork.

Not a fan of the situation is an understatement. I hate this. What possessed Eyebrows to do something like this? Again. Yes, he was lucky the first time, but you can never know what may happen. The only damn reason I'm here right now is because I saw something in him, still do. And I also have really nowhere else to go beside here.

"I'm truly hoping that this gamble turns out the way I hope for it to," Erwin mumbles to himself.

"You'll only see it when she lives her first expedition," I reply, swinging my ankle over my knee.

"You say it like you plan to kill her yourself," Eyebrows says and looks up.

"Maybe I am," I reply coldly and keep eye contact with him. He shakes his head and turns back to his paperwork. I click my tongue again and glance away toward one of the bookshelves.

I have no idea how or why Erwin thought I was a good fit to be a captain, but whatever, I guess. I've been a Captain for roughly five months, been here for one and a half years, maybe. About half a year after Wall Maria's fall, Erwin came to the conclusion that the Scouts need an elite team. And then also thought it was a good idea to make me the Captain, I'm not complaining about the position, other than the paperwork and the brats I have to deal with.

The a few months after Isabel and Furlan's deaths were hard, I'll admit it to myself, at least. Losing the ones you care about is not easy. I know it firsthand. The only damn thing I have left of my mother is a piece of her dress that I now wear as a cravat.

Today, catching that girl (Y/n), being in the Underground again, brought back some things I wish to forget. Also, the hurt that flashed in her eyes for a second when she realized that her friend sold her out. But that hurt that was there. It wasn't only from this one betrayal, it was years' worth of pain hidden there, deep inside. Makes me wonder what the woman has been through.

"Levi," Erwin's voice snaps me from my thoughts. Glancing at him, I give him the stoic look with a barely raised brow.

"I'm counting on you to make a soldier out of this girl," he says. I roll my eyes, though, deep inside I know I want to train her to be strong and maybe one day be on the same level as me. Would be nice to have someone actually challenging to spar with every once in a while. I also saw that look in her eyes just before she went to launch for the man who sold her out. The quiet she had willed into her mind. The quiet that's so quiet that it seems like it's roaring around you.

I haven't used that little power of mine since Isabel and Furlan's death. I shredded the Titans apart. Brutally, coldly, not a thought in my mind, just the roaring quiet. One who would not know would mistake (Y/n) for an Ackerman, but no. She's not one. The Ackermans are born with this power and just 'unlock' it at some point of our lives, but she has learned it, the stilling of one's mind. Usually, the soldiers who have mastered the technique are the strongest around. I've seen some in the one and a half years of being here, not many, though, and not on the level I saw for her.

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