Chapter 25: Getting nagged

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First person POV: Levi

"I think I'm going to hell now," (Y/n) says weakly, trying to summon her signature sarcastic grin just before her body gives out. She starts falling. Out of instinct I step forward and catch her as her body falls limp.

"(Y/n)," I call to her, to get no response. Looking up I see people staring, but doing nothing. Wouldn't think that the bystander effect would be a thing in the military.

"Someone get a medic!" I yell and then people start rushing around again. Looking back at (Y/n), I see a trail of blood running down from her forehead. Running my hand though her head and pulling it back I see blood on it.

"Captain Levi," I hear a soft female voice behind me. I turn my head to look and see a nurse there. "Please, follow me."

I do as told. Getting to my feet, (Y/n) still in my arms in bridal-style. The nurse heads back to the castle and I follow, ignoring the pain my ankle gives me.

"Levi." Knowing that voice from anywhere, I don't bother turning to look at him.

"What do you want, Erwin?" I reply. Erwin with his large steps is by my side in a moment and I can feel his disapproving frown on me.

"You shouldn't be moving so much," he points out. I click my tongue.

"And leave her to die just in front of the castle, I think not. Not with a head injury and what she just pulled." Erwin now looks down at (Y/n).

"When did she get back?" he asks, just as the nurse before us opens the infirmary doors and holds them open until both of us are in.

"Put her down on that bed," the nurse orders, pointing toward a bed and heading off, to get bandages and disinfectants, I assume.

"Just a moment ago. Made me realize just how many soldiers we might leave out just because we don't find the bodies," I mutter, placing (Y/n) gently on the bed. Her face scrunches up as her head touches the pillow.

"What?" Erwin inquires.

"Before she passed out, she was talking about not being able to leave 'the others.' Meaning she brought others back, too," I explain.

"I assume you're—"

"Excuse me." We both look toward a female doctor. Her dark brown hair braided, her brown eyes kind and shining even in the dim light of the infirmary.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave," she says, a bit of command in her tone. Glancing back at (Y/n) once more, I nod, step away, and head to look for the other soldiers I know weren't with us when we came back.

"I assume you're going to find out what exactly happened out there, am I right?" Erwin finishes his sentence from before.

"Damn right, I am. The idea that we left alive soldiers out there doesn't sit well with me," I reply. Erwin's quiet after that, and if not for his footsteps a bit behind me, I would have thought that he had left, but no, he's right there.

"Wouldn't take you for someone who cared," Erwin answers as I stop.

"They're people too," I mutter and look around for a moment. You know moments when your brain just crashes completely? That just happened. I spot a man awake on one of the beds. I also do not remember him being with us, so I assume he was one of them.

Stepping closer, the man's gaze snaps at me and Erwin. He tries to get up but stops as he eyes Erwin. I know he has his hand up to signal the soldier that there's no need to salute.

"You came back with (Y/n), right?" I get straight to the point.

"Y—yes," he stutters.

"What happened out there?" I now ask, keeping my voice neutral. He eyes me, then Erwin, and then looks back at me.

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