Chapter 8: Squad bonding

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First person POV: (Y/n)

   Two weeks later

I was sitting on my ass for a week. I was probably the most annoying person in the whole Regiment. Instead of liking the sitting around, I hated it. I’ve always hated sitting or staying still for longer periods of time, so it was outright torture.

Thankfully, though, I had Petra to visit me. She would come by and talk about some random things that happened in training. Most of the times it was about how Oluo, again, started his babbling and then pit his tongue mid-sentence. I have to admit, it was kind of funny hearing these stories.

But through all of it, I kept my cold façade. I think I’ve worn that façade for so damn long that I barely know how to remove it even in front of myself.

Well, now I’ve been back in training for a week. It isn’t as brutal as I thought I would be. It’s actually quite easy, and now, with my healed ankle, it’s no problem to run. Do ODM practice, hand-to-hand, and other things they want us to do. One was running in the rain whilst the ground was muddy and disgusting, and we were also required to carry a heavy back bag with us. It was not a fun experience, and needless to say that after that, I was even moodier than I usually am.

Right now, though? We’re on the field, practicing hand-to-hand combat with our assigned partners. Mine’s shit. I mean, yeah, he looks bulky and all that shit but he’s garbage at hand-to-hand combat. All I do is dodge an attack and then swipe his legs from under him.

I hiss out as he stands again and takes his stance.

“Haven’t you been beaten enough already?” I question.

“I’ll not stop until I get you down,” he replies with a determined look. Rolling my eyes, raising my right hand, I signal him with my middle and pointer finger to come at me. I just stare at his body language, where his eyes go, and they land on my left leg. Low attack, then. He charges, I just rise my right leg enough for him to slip under and slam in down on his back. He winces.

“A little tip from someone who has been fighting for years,” I start, pressing my foot harder onto his back, “Don’t look at the body part that you’re targeting, only makes it easier to take you down, look your opponent in the eyes and wait for them to make a move first, unless the situation is crucial.” I lift my leg from his back and let him stand up again.

“Alright, I’ll do that,” he pants out, catching the breath I knocked from him.

“Good, now are you done?” I ask, hands crossed over my chest and cold, iced look in my eyes.

“No! I told you I won’t give up,” he again says and stands. I blow out a breath and let my hands rest on my sides. This will be the last round. If he wants another I’ll beat him so bad he has to be taken to the damn infirmary.

Before he could launch at me again, the bell, notifying us of dinner, rings.

“Well, it seems like you can’t beat me,” I say and turn, heading toward the castle again, “A shame,” I add sarcastically.

“Just you wait, one day I will,” he calls after me. Rolling my eyes, I throw my middle finger over my shoulder, ignoring all the gasps igniting around me.

Yeah, I’ve been back in training for a week, and the number of times, my dear Captain Levi has found a reason to make me clean the staples or clean anything in general. I’m starting to think that this dude is an absolute clean-freak, even in the above standards. Just like Petra informed me.

There’ll be an expedition in two and a half months, to establish another base outside the walls, or that’s what I’ve heard, and maybe capture a Titan or two for Hange to experiment on or whatever the fuck they would do with them. Probably something cruel and then cry about it, ‘cause, Titans are their babies.

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