Chapter 19: Gone wrong

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First person POV: (Y/n)

Three weeks later

"I said before, that the only way to stop you in your Titan for is to kill you but this would just leave you badly wounded," Levi explains while Eren looks confused and horrified at once.

"(Y/n), for once, came up with a decent idea," Levi says, glancing at me for a brief second before turning back to the blackboard before him. "That said, it would rely on several different skills to get you of the there. In short-" he draws a figure remotely similar to a human body and lines around it, marking where the cut would be made "-we would have to cut you out of the meat of your Titan's nape. This would result in us cutting off your hands and feet." Levi finishes and looks at Eren with his stoic expression.

"They'd just grow back anyway, like a lizard's tail," I chime in from my sitting place on a table in the room, with Hange, near the blackboard, giving me a good view of Levi and Eren's body languages.

"Creepy little bastard," Levi mutters but continues to stare at Eren.

"Wait, sir," Eren stutters out. "I don't know why or how my body parts grow back. . .but isn't there another way?" he questions.

"Unless you want to die, no," I reply to his question before Levi could get a word in. I shift around on the table, so I'm facing away from the others and lean my back against Hange's - just for the sake of being comfortable. And they owe me this after the drug shit.

"Are you telling me that you don't want to take any risks? Make any sacrifices?" Levi asks, voice threateningly calm.

"N-no, sir," Eren, again, stutters.

"Then get over it. We have as much of a chance of getting killed in the process as you do, so relax," Levi states, and everyone in the room falls quiet.

Eren then replies, "Yes, sir."

"Don't be so hard on the kid, Cap," I mutter and close my eyes for a second, but that doesn't last long, as Hange starts shaking against my back. They're getting way too excited for this shit.

"Then, I can run experiments, right?" Hange asks, I can still feel them shaking against me.

"It's a big risk," Levi muses. "On the other hand, we can't afford not to run tests on him," he says with a sidelong glance at Hange.

"I get to device the plan, yes?" Hange again asks, their face now the one of a truly mad scientist's. "Eren-" they go on, "-if there is something we don't know. . .we should find it out. It's absolutely worth putting our lives on the line," Hange announces and hops off the table, making me slip and fall onto my back, making a loud bang against the table.

"Hange," I whine. They turn back to look at me, and with an apologetic smile, they say, "Sorry, (Y/n)."


"I'll signal you with a flare when everything's ready. After that, it's up to you!" Hange yells down the well to Eren. I hear a faint 'roger' for where I'm further away, sitting atop Athena, my horse. Hange and Levi get on their own horses and back away to where I'm stationed. Hands crossed and gaze on the well, I hear Hange muttering to themselves some more. Loud enough for me to hear - "This well should be able to hold even an out of control Titan."

"Wait. Should?" I turn toward Hange on my right, asking the most obvious question. They nod enthusiastically and whip out their flare gun to signal Eren to transform.

"I do not like the 'should' part," I mutter.

"No one does, but it's Hange, not like we can do much about it," Levi replies on my left side. I snort and keep my eyes on the well. Hange fires the flare gun, and the green flare rises to the air. We wait. We wait for a moment, but nothing happens. We wait some more, still nothing. My brows furrow, and I glance at Hange on my right side.

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