Chapter 2: Warning

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First person POV: (Y/n)

The gathering spot is an old warehouse, used by the military years ago, but it apparently got too small for their egos, so they built a new one, a bigger one. Unlike their micro-sized dicks. And trust me I know first-hand about that matter.

I step into the worn-down place and instantly get hit with the smell of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and. . .sex. The place reeks of sweat and sex. The sound of panting and moans sounds all the way to the main room of the building. I roll my eyes as I head over to a familiar face.


He was the one who brought me here for the first time. He's also probably the only one who has actually seen my face. Doesn't still know my name, though, so like everyone else, he calls me-

"Euphoria!" His voice rings out. He waves at me to come over. He has two women at his sides. Both dressed in revealing clothes but I've seen them before. They're actually friends of Walter's. Not some random whores. Walter has offered to buy them new clothes for a long time, but they've refused, saying that he shouldn't waste his money on them. Nice women actually.

"Walter," I say, giving him a curt not, the same to the women at his sides. They smile and nod back at me.

One of them has dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, a little cut up tank top and tight pants what seem small on her. The other is a ginger, green eyes, she has kind of a dress type of thing on.

I take a seat on a chair opposite to Walter's, crossing my right ankle over my left knee, to give the ankle some rest, I eye Walter for a second, before blinking slowly and letting a lazy, a bit crazed grin fall on my face, "Hello Walter, ladies."

"You still don't want to get me one of that gear of yours?" Walter says waving vaguely at my ODM gear, hanging off my hips and the sides off the chair. My grin falls, "Too big of a pussy to get it yourself?" I inquire with sarcasm.

I know he doesn't want to risk getting arrested for robbing, or killing an MP, like I did. Obviously not the getting arrested part. I'm still quite free.

"I take it as a no then," Walter replies with an eye roll. I scoff at his response.

"Alright, I came here for a reason," I say leaning forward in my chair a bit. Walter raises a brow and cocks his head a bit. I keep quiet, raise my chin slightly. He nods and stands.

"We have some business to talk," Walter announces to the two women beside him. They both smile, looking at each other with mischievous smiles and wave a hand at Walter. I see Walter's eyes narrow a bit as I stand myself. I don't wait for him to finish with the two women who are going to pull something on him, for sure, the moment he leaves.

I head for the back door of the building, ignoring all the smoke and smells and sound around me. I've been coming here for quite some time and gotten used to it - the smell and sounds. This place, no matter how disgusting, has become my, kind of, safe space. I know that here I have my place, people, and respect. Something I don't have out on the streets.

I suck in a breath when I've step out. The alleyway is dirty and smells like piss but hopefully, this talk with Walter won't take long, and I can move on with my plans for today. As much as I'd like to stay at my safe place in this hell-hole, I have to raid another warehouse for some gas for my ODM gear.

Walter exits through the door and closes it behind him with a small thud.

"Everything okay?" Walter asks, staying near the door. I nod, grabbing my hood from behind and pulling it off. Walter's eyes narrow and brows knit together, "Lie, you don't take the hood off even around me unless something's wrong," Walter points out the truth. I sigh and look away.

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