Chapter 13: Court

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First person POV: (Y/n)

The doors to the large courtroom swing open, and I get the view of the dais where Pixis already stands and where Zackary is going to be sitting later on. The MPs are not here yet, so it’s just some civilians and the Survey Corps. Our parties are on the opposite sides of the room. We, the Scouts, are to the left from the door, and MPs are to the right. In the middle is a separated, a bit higher platform where the judged person will stand. Where Eren will stand in some time.

We all take our spot. In the front, Erwin, Levi, and I, behind us, some more Scouts. Not much time goes by before I notice a familiar girl she takes a stance on the witness’ dais. She’s still wearing that red scarf. It’s not even cold? Rolling my eyes at the thought, I realize that one might think the same about my hood. Maybe the scarf has a meaning to her?

Besides, the raven-haired girl takes a place one of the Garrison members, Rico, and then some other Training Corps members. The doors open, and the MPs flood in with some other civilians behind them. Merchants.

I fight the urge to give ‘em all my middle fingers. Failing, I do flip ‘em my middle finger just so they don’t see it. A flash of my hand movements. Levi besides turns to me with a questioning frown on his face. He knows what I did.

“What?” I whisper, tucking my hands behind my back again.

“We have enough problems with the MPs as it is, do not make it worse,” he whispers back, looking away from me. I roll my eyes and reply, “C’mon, it’s not like you don’t want to throw some middle fingers at them.” A huff leaves Levi’s lips but huff laced with amusement as he shakes his head. His back hair swaying with the movement. Biting the inside of my cheek to hide the small smirk trying to tug my lips up, I feel kind of proud for getting at least an amused huff out of this Captain right here.

The doors open again, and now I see Eren, Hange, and someone third who I can not make out. Hange says the last a few words to Eren before the court guards take him and into the raised dais in the middle of the room. They make him kneel by pushing him down and then pin him down with a pole that is split from the middle and as the slit runs to the end Eren’s handcuffs are now stuck under this pole or well, in the split in the pole.

I keep my gaze on the kid as he looks around nervously, obviously not knowing what is going to happen to him. His eyes linger longer on some people, some of them being in the witness dais, probably people from the Training Corps and also Commander – Eyebrows – Erwin, and Captain – Clean freak – Levi. His eyes also land on me, and his eyes widen the slightest, like some recognition?

I keep my stance tense as Zachary starts speaking. “You are Eren Jaeger, yes?” he questions the damn obvious, “As a soldier, you have pledged your life to serve the public, the humanity, correct?”

“…Yes, sir,” Eren replies after a bit of confused hesitation. Zachary takes a breath and seems ready to be done with this case.

“Regular law can not apply in these exceptional circumstances,” Zackary states, shuffling with his papers, “Therefore, this will be a military tribunal. Ultimate authority has been entrusted to me. Even your life. Now, I will ask you only once. Do you have objections?” Zackary says with a bored tone, looking at the kid. Eren closes his eyes for a second, and when opening then he has this newfound determination in his eyes. “No, sir,” he states, loud and clear for everyone to hear. This takes even me aback. Being this confident while your life is on the line. I’d have my fight or flight instincts kicking in and doing everything to get my ass out of here. Respect, kid.

“I’m glad you understand. Now,” Zackary continues, “This unpresented case has given rise to many conflicting, passionate arguments behind these walls.” Brows furrowing, I think of everything I’ve heard after the breaching of Wall Rose and the Trost district. Yes, true enough, I’ve heard about some people talking out aloud about what they think of the kid’s existence. But it being so bad that even the court and higher-ups have noticed.

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