Chapter 26: Waking

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First person POV: (Y/n)

Waking up is always hard but walking up to a massive scull splitting headache is even worse. Slowly, I start opening my eyes, only to shut them a moment later against the light. I groan and raise one of my arms to my eyes to block the light. Or try to, my hand won't raise all that high before a strike of pain shoots though it. I force my eyes open then and blink enough to keep them open.

When my eyes aren't blinded no longer, I look around and find myself in the infirmary – Right I passed out.

I was so sure at that moment that I would die, but I guess my body just gave out on me after all that happened. Understandable.

I see through small gaps in between curtains and notice many beds occupied. At least these of which I see.

Wonder if the six who got back with me are okay. The curtain at the foot of my bed gets pushed aside a bit and a woman in white cloak, fair skin, blonde hair and big brown eyes peeks in.

"Oh, you're awake," she says, a smile appearing on her doll-like face.

"It would seem so," I reply, throat dryer than I anticipated and voice gravely, "Could I please get some water?" I ask. The woman nods. I assume she's a nurse when she says; "I'll go get a doctor, too." She quickly leaves after that, pulling the curtain shut again. I am again left with nothing but my own thoughts for company. Yesterday's events slowly starts flooding back in fully. I force a swallow from my dry throat and take a deep breath when the urge to cry comes over me.

You can cry, (Y/n), but not now. When you're back in the safety of your own room.

Just then the curtain pulls back again and I see a tan looking woman, her brown hair in a braid over her shoulder, a white cloak like the nurse's.

"Good to see you awake, (L/n)." The nurse from before appears again a class of water in her hand. I sit up slightly and each my non-aching hand out toward her to grab the class. Bringing it to my lips is a fight on its own. My whole body hurts and it seems like my hand wants to let the class drop any second now.

I manage a few sips before I have to lower my hand to my lap.

"Now, I'll start by saying that you're very lucky to have gotten away only these injuries," the doctor says.

"Mind telling me what they are then?" I mutter, looking at the class in my hand. And then slowly reaching it away to the small table beside my bed. Hurts like hell.

"Two broken ribs, three bruised. A cut at the border of your hairline. Cracked right forearm and cracked left tibia. Along with smaller cuts and bruises along your body."

"Damn," I mutter just from hearing that, "I can still work though, right?" I ask.

"I'd recommend not. Take it easy, you can train a bit yes, but nothing too hard to stop your body from healing properly." I groan at the response. That's practically means sitting still for the next two or so weeks! I'll lose my mind!

Shaking the thoughts, I sigh and try to think of something to say.

"Thank you." Is the only thing that comes to mind and then; "So technically, I could leave now right?"

The doctor chuckles and nods; "Yes, of course."

"Should I go call someone to help you get to your room?" The nurse offers. "I could go get Captain Levi. He brought you in yesterday and stayed for quite some time later."

"Though, I don't think it'd be all that good of an idea, at least not with that ankle of his," The doctor mutters.

"What's wrong with his ankle?" I ask. It's literally the only thing my brain could comprehend right now.

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