Chapter 31: One Day at a Time

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Firts person POV: (Y/n)

I awoke this morning to my bed empty but a fresh cup of tea on my dresser and Loki sleeping beside me soundly. I drank the tea and got dressed in my uniform shirt and pants as well as the harnesses and pulled a large white sweater over it all to cover at least the harnesses on my chest.

I know the moment Erwin realizes that I'm prepared to fight, he'll disapprove, but he already allowed me to go with them, so what's the point?

Right now, I watch as all the Scouts gather their horses and ready to leave.

"(Y/n)," an, oh so familiar, voice says. I turn to face Erwin, his uniform flawless as always, hair the same.

"Commander," I reply, not bothering to salute to him. Disrespectful, I know. But I don't give a shit and neither does he as well at this point. I turn back to watch the Scouts readying.

"Has Levi talked to you since yesterday?" he asks. I hum.

"Told me about the situation with his position as a Captain," I state without looking at the Commander beside me, "To say he's out of it would be an understatement."

Erwin doesn't reply for a while, then, "Did he tell you anything else?"

"What is this?" I ask, turning to the man beside me, "Why are you interrogating me on what Levi said or didn't say to me?"

"There are just some things that we talked about what I'd rather you to hear from me." I frown at the statement. Things like this never end well for me. I mean fucking never.

Yeah, I think it's time to starts packing my bags and drag my ass back to the shithole they dug me up from.

"It's nothing bad. Just some big decisions are being made," Erwin says eventually and then moves off toward the crowd. I can't help but wonder what he's thinking exactly. Big decisions?

I put the thought in the back of my head. We have a job to do. And should it need be. I will put on the gear and spring to action.

"Sasha!" I hear being yelled from somewhere in the crowd, soon after two boys from the 104th chasing after the brown haired girl. I have no idea what she did this time but I assume she stole food again.

"These kids are a menace to society."

"I find them cute." I angle my head slightly toward my Captain and find him watching the Scouts as well.

"What'd Erwin want?" Levi now looks at me.

I groan loudly and throw my head back, "I am not going through another interrogation."

"Alright. Won't ask then," Levi mutters, but looks at me, "(Y/n), thank you for yesterday night," he nearly whispers, "I think I would have completely lost it if you weren't there."

His confession takes me by surprise but I shake it off, "Everyone needs a hug once in a while," I reply.

"Guess so."

We stand in silence for some time. Just drinking in the sight. I don't know about Levi but I'm also slowly trying to come to terms that there will be no more missions or expeditions with Petra, Eld, Oluo and Grunther. I miss Petra the most. We were different in every possible way but she was my first friend here and we were close, up until the very end.

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