Chaprer 11: Wall Rose

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First person POV: (Y/n)

   Twenty days later.

“What the fuck is going on?” I yell as I land on a wall beside Commander Eyebrows, himself. There’s a hole in the wall – Wall fucking Rose – and the Titans are swarming the place, well, not exactly swarming anymore, it’s just a few wandering around and most are gathered in one corner of the Trost district, where many of the Garrison members sit on the Wall and tangle from it to keep the Titans at pay.

“The Colossal Titan appeared again,” Erwin replies, like it’s a usual fucking Tuesday. I mean this is kind of a usual Tuesday if you think about it from the Scouts perspective. The shit we put up with outside the damn Walls.

“Captain, what do we do?” Petra’s voice sounds over the screams and roars, not far from us, from the dying fucking kids. A minute of silence and then, “You heard the question, Erwin.” Levi smoothly rolls the question over to Commander Eyebrows.

“We do not engage. Not yet. I have a feeling that something is about to happen here,” Erwin orders. My mouth falls agape at his order, and I stare at him, glare draggers through my hood.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Eyebrows?” I yell, finally finding my words again, “There are teenagers – Fuck! Kids – dying out there and we just sit back and watch as a fresh patch of recruits get killed, because the Garrison is not much of a help and we won’t even speak of the MPs who only care about the Capital!” I yell at Erwin, pointing my right blade toward the scene before us. I look to the direction just as yellow flashes in the middle of the district and a roar sounds. Soon enough, a Titan appears out of nowhere, looking different from the others. Surely it doesn’t act different, it smashes into a building, and I see someone jumping from the roof of the building, and some Garrison members nearby start yelling.

Gritting my teeth, I look at Erwin again, his face still unfazed.

“We should step in, sir!” Grunther sides with me. I nod and keep my gaze at Erwin.

“My order stands until I say otherwise,” Erwin replies sternly, now looking at me as well. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep down a witty response. I want to spit at Eyebrows, but my hands clench around the handles of my blades.

“I do not follow orders if they’re stupid and set in danger a whole lot of more lives than just my own,” I say and leap off the Wall with shouts on my back. I hear loud cursing and yelling as I swing between the houses in the Trost district.

I hear the Garrison members yelling to each other and then take off toward nearing Titans. I land on a roof beside a raven haired girl. She’s in trainee’s uniform and wearing a red scarf around her neck.

She noticed me landing beside her as the tiles of the roof click under my boots. She looks at me for a second, and then turns back to the sight I now behold as well.

“The actual fuck is going on?” I ask the girl, “Is the Titan dead? Why’re you staring at it, like that?” Her gaze meets mine, her bluish-gray eyes filled with worry.

“That is not just any Titan! That’s my friend right there!” she declares. My brows furrow under my hood, and I gape at her.

“That’s a Titan,” I point out the obvious in case she’s completely stupid.

“That Titan right there is my friend Eren. He can transform into a Titan. We’re trying to patch up the wall with that boulder there.” The girl points to the boulder behind the unmoving, smoking, Titan whilst explaining.

“I’ve seen some fucked up things in my short life but this gotta make it to the top three,” I mutter to myself. “Why’s he being useless, then?” I ask louder, staring at the Titan.

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