Chapter 27: Annie

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First person POV: (Y/n)

   There’s only three of us left, Eren, Levi, and I. That’s all that’s left of the Special Ops Squad of the Scouts. But it could have always been worse. It could have been all of us dead, but the Scouts have at least gotten back this much, and technically, our mission had been a success somewhat. We now know that someone’s after Eren. We hadn’t managed to catch whoever it is, but at least we know, and we know that the Female Titan has to be a shifter.

   Levi told me all about it when I woke before nightfall yesterday afternoon. I’d been shocked that such a huge deal had been kept from us, but I don’t blame Ervin. He had a right to be scared. Not scared exactly but doubtful. He had the right to suspect that someone might be leaking information.

   The discovery of there being more shifters also brings up more questions. The first being: Who? Followed by: How many? Why? And so on.

   We’re sitting in the mess hall. Waiting for Ervin and the MPs to show up. It’s quiet, too quiet for my liking. I watch as Eren keeps glancing at me and Levi from the corner of his eye. His uniform makes it feel like he’s keeping an eye on two criminals…If you take it like that, then we are sort of criminals. At least I am, I’ve killed people. I don’t exactly know about Levi, but I know he used to steal for certain.

   “They’re late.” Levi’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. I hum slightly, taking a sip of my tea, stilling my good leg that had been bouncing up and down under the table.

   “I can’t believe that good-for nothing Erwin is making me wait. At this pace, the MPs are going to get here first,” Levi mutters more to himself than to me or Eren. Eren keeps staring forward, not knowing whether to reply something or to keep quiet. It seems like he’s opted for the latter.

   “Most likely,” Levi goes on, and for some reason, I know he’s going to say something that will make me want to throw something, “he’s having trouble taking a shit.” I groan and kick Levi’s leg with mine under the table. His head snaps in my direction.

   “No one cares about Erwin’s shitting habits,” I hiss, about to go on before Eren opens his mouth, “Captain.”

   I roll my eyes but partly appreciate Eren interrupting me. “You’re pretty talkative today,” the boy says.

   “Don’t be stupid, I’m always talkative,” Levi retorts. I roll my eyes. He didn’t even try to sound convincing. Can’t blame the man, though. We just got back two days ago – one and a half to be exact – we’re all exhausted still.

   Silence falls again, just the sipping of tea filling the room. The sound echoes off the walls.

   “I’m sorry,” Eren starts again. I look at him, raising a brow. He goes on, “If only I hadn’t made the wrong choice, things might have turned out different. Even you two were injured.”

   “Eren, if you’d chosen any differently, we all might be dead right now. Like Levi told you – us – out there; no one knows how things may turn out. If you’d chosen differently, we may all have lived, or we may have all died. Who knows? But still, no one could have known.” I try to sound as reassuring as possible. I’ve had some time to think about it, and I know it’s true. We all make decisions whether they we good or bad. If they’re bad, then all we can do is make a better one next time.

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